View Full Version : Ok need suggestions

02-17-2013, 11:35 PM
Ok guys and gals need some help I have a lot of important people in my life pushing some pretty serious things with me and I need thoughts because the stress is pushing me hard core. My mom is a breast cancer survivor and is pushing me to quit smoking and she is begging me to also give up my caffeine. I smoke about a half a pack a day and drink about 2-3 cans of diet coke a day if I am working I will only drink 1 20 oz bottle ..... These are the only things keeping me sane however 2 of my closest friends quit smoking one is going on a year and half but took chantix which put her in a downward spiral into depression and the other is going on about 7 months and she did it on her own .... I don't know if I am ready to give the one thing that is my crutch in life. But everyone says I will feel better if I quit. I don't nor I have I ever done drugs and I have been sober for about 8 years not that I would drink all the time but there are many nights I don't remember so I decided it was time to stop and I did it with out another thought but smoking and my diet coke I just can't walk away from, any thoughts would be wonderful

02-18-2013, 01:19 AM
I have the same addictions!! I only smoke between 5-8 cigarettes, but today was really hot and I have gotten through one large coffee and 3 x cans of diet coke.

I have honestly had more success quitting smoking (6 months in the past) than quitting diet coke.

I guess you can start cutting down gradually to see how you feel when you are smoking less and drinking less caffeine.

02-18-2013, 05:41 AM
Simple decision: Do you want to live a healthier life?

1. Then limit drinking cokes to one night a week.

2. There is nothing positive about smoking.

3. Either cut one cold turkey. Then in a month or 2, cut the other one.


4. Write down a plan to slowly cut out one over a 21 day period. Then after a few weeks start on the other one.

5. Replace them with something. Hot caffeine free tea, exercise, something that's not an addictive or a stimulant.

Your anxiety and body will thank you for letting these go,

Wishing you the best of life,