View Full Version : Anxiety mystery solved!

02-17-2013, 08:07 PM
Well, went home again for the first time in seven weeks and I found myself falling back into a state of anxiety. This time rather than focusing on the symptoms themselves and wondering if I were crazy, I thought hard about why I was feeling the way I was. As a result, I think I might have figured out why I suffer from anxiety when I go home! So every time I go home, my mother goes full out into planning fun things and it seems we shop 24/7 (I know this is because she misses me when I'm gone). Last year, I was fine with this, but this year I kinda started worrying about how much my family was spending on little things like clothes and gifts for me when I come home when I'm also a college student who because of athletics, can only really earn a solid income over the summer months. It makes me feel really guilty that I can't help...I'd stop my sport to work, but without that I'd lose a pretty significant scholarship. I feel trapped, and I think that's why I feel depressed and anxious when I go home and see my parents spending money on me that could be spent on helping pay for college, or bills, or my sister. I know they love me and want to give me every opportunity in the world, but I love them too and I want to help them out as much as I possibly can. I feel so much better now that I've figured out the reason I'm anxious, but what the heck can I do to stop stressing over this and relax?!

02-17-2013, 10:15 PM
Oh honey I am 37 going on 38 and my parents are retired and they do the same thing for my daughter and my stepsons and my sister and her family as a parent this is what we do. I tell my parents all the time I appreciate it but I feel guilty for them spending so much and my mom tells me " I am just grateful that dad and I can be here and are financially able to help you guys " so when you go home give them the chance to spoil you they love you and just want the best and make sure you have what you need. I hope things get better for you stay positive