View Full Version : question about a couple more symptoms....

Andrew Marino
02-17-2013, 07:02 PM
Ive noticed for a month that if im not moving some part of my body that i see my pulse in my vision. That only happens if i stop moving something (foot, hand , fingers, toes). Its weird. Has anybody else have this issue. Im not sure if its a quick rise in blood pressure due to not moving an item or what but its annoying. Last time it happened I actually got my blood pressure machine but it only said 129/78. which is not too bad. So i dont know what the hell it even is. Another thing i did notice is that if i walk for 30mins or more it gets alot better. Is there anything i can take that naturally that helps me. I am already taking vitamin b -complex. just started that couple of days ago. hopefully you guys can relate. :)

Andrew Marino
02-20-2013, 06:39 PM
really? no one has had this before????

02-20-2013, 07:51 PM
Have you asked a doctor about this? Sounds like you may be susceptible to high blood pressure. Though you may not be showing signs of it now, It can develop later on. I would suggest to remain on the b-complex and avoid coffee and high intakes of sugar. Reducing your salt intake and exercise can also help, if you're not already doing this. Regardless, I would definitely see your doctor. It might be something that requires your immediate attention. Anyhow, that's just my opinion. Good luck to you.

02-20-2013, 09:38 PM
I see my pulse sometimes but more often I can feel it all over. It's nerve racking. Anxiety and stress can cause a lot of problems including this one. I'd have some tests done first though. I have high BP during panic attacks but its 128/72 or close all the other times. I used to think it was my BP but now I'm convinced its just anxiety. Had numerous tests done over the years and found nothing.

02-21-2013, 02:56 AM
Jamus, I also notice that my blood pressure really gets high (160/100) when I'm very anxious and goes down to 125/80 when I'm relaxed and ok. This can happen a few times a day. I bought a blood pressure device that connects to my iPhone so I tend to monitor myself several times a day. The good thing about it is that you get a good understanding of how your anxiety affects your body (blood pressure) from the constant monitoring.

02-21-2013, 03:18 AM
Mines always high at docs cause I'm panicked but normal at home when I'm not. Also monitor mine on the iPhone. Need that device that plugs into it. Be convenient

Andrew Marino
02-22-2013, 10:48 PM
Thank you abartlett331 for your reply. I actually have been to the doctor many times for blood pressure. I was put on propranolol for the past three years. My blood pressure usually only goes to 130/80 as the highest when not having an attack....plus the doctor said that usually people dont even feel symptoms of high blood pressure. I even checked it when my eyes would pulse and it was actually normal. Also, about 1.5 months ago I went to an optometrist and had the whole check up done...pressure in eyes was great, nerves are good, veins are good, no tumor in my brain or eyes. So im wondering if my body creates this sensation due to the constant, everyday worrying of health..hmmm....also for the past week I have been walking 2 miles a day. I am up to 8 miles already and I have two more days to go to reach my goal of 10 miles a week. about 6 months ago I also went to the hospital because it felt like my heart was skipping beats but they said your heart is beating a bit fast but normal...and they think my esophagus is spasmming. I didn't know that your esophagus can make you feel like that. Even with a good ekg and excellent triglycerides report i still think something is wrong with my body.