View Full Version : I hate it when my dogs bark!

02-17-2013, 11:29 AM
Out of the things that trigger my anxiety the most..my dogs barking drives me crazy. It's happening right this second and I am about to rip my head off. I have a constant fear that something is about to happen to change my life forever and when they bark my nerves become completely shot with worry. If I were to go tell them to shut the fuck up the minute I walk off they'll be back at it...and please I don't need dog training tips. They're good dogs. I like that they guard the house but a lot of the time they bark at complete NONSENSE. It makes me think someone is outside about to knock on my door. My social anxiety is so hardcore that just thinking about it makes me scared. Ugh. I'm going to try and go back to bed even though its nearly 11am :/

02-17-2013, 12:52 PM
I go through the same thing I have 4 dogs and it drives me insane when they bark! I love them, there good dogs but they bark at the kids next door!.. I totally flip sh*t when they start.. my husband is building them a more private kennel in the spring that will hopefully help a little.. :/