View Full Version : Need help, has anyone tried this?
02-16-2013, 05:32 PM
Hi there,
I am new to this site and am having one of the worst anxiety episodes that I can remember. I won't go thru all the symptoms as i am sure you all know what it feels like. But basically literally I feel like I am going to jump out of my is aweful and I can't take anymore...has been goin on for 2 days now.
I take 1mg Ativan 2 times a day and 0.5 mg of Clonazepam (Klonopin) twice a day aswell.
Has anyone uped there dose a bit during a terrible anxiety period, for a day or 2?
Believe me this is the last thing I would do, but I can't seem to get a grip...and I think that this is the only thing that will help as I have tried dozens of other things to no avail....then I feel like I am going crazy....
Your experiences if you have done this?
02-16-2013, 06:30 PM
I don't up my dosage unless my Dr. says it's OK. I try to do something with my hands to keep me busy. Crochet, beading, reading a book.
02-16-2013, 07:19 PM
Unfortunately my hands are to shaky to do things loke that, that I use to enjoy it has taken my much longer to post as there seems to be an earthquake in my body right now. But a little less since upping my dosage, only for today
I am not trying to get high oor Anything, Just so I can feel less tortured. IT is hell !
02-16-2013, 07:26 PM
Anxiety is hard!! But sometimes we can't rely on medication! Don't get me wrong the meds work and make you feel better, but I feel as though the next step after taking meds is to chin up and try to work through the symptoms without taking them! You know it's anxiety and you know it can't kill try to mentally stabilize it yourself!
I'm not judging on anyone taking meds, I just recently got prescribed Ativan and its been a blessing but I try not to take it every time I'm feeling like poop. Hope this helps and god bless!
02-16-2013, 07:50 PM
Thanks for your replies. It means a lot!
This anxiety and the symptoms are the WORST I have had in years.
I takebenzos everyday. It is what it is.
But taking a bit more when it is torturous, AFTER I have tried everything I knoow to do. Taking extra benzo is truly the last house on the block. I actually hate taking them. But feeling that I have been mentally and physically tortured literally. Something had to put the fire out and that was uping my benzos for today.
Anyone else tried this in dire circUmstances ??
02-16-2013, 10:55 PM
Moon, I have been there. I thank God and a conga line of others I am not there today. Yes, I have upped my dose for a day or two or three during really bad times. I am assuming you are in therapy also. I hardly ever hear of anyone on this site who has used group therapy, but I did many years ago and that was a tremendous help. Hearing from others face to face and getting the incredible support of a group is magic.
Anyway, as long as you are in a doctors care for meds and in therapy - I would say do what you need to do to break the spell for a bit. I have said this before on this site and will say again because when it was said to me it resonated with such power - if it was your child going through these symptoms and you had the medicine to help that small child to feel better would think twice or have guilt about it? Wouldn't you do everything in your power to get every bit of help for them. Love yourself like you would your child and do the same thing.
02-17-2013, 12:45 AM
I take the low dose of xanax but only when it is really bad. Try to do deep breathing or breath on a brown bag when you are hyperventilating . You ran out of carbon dioxide that's why we feel like passing out. I bought a rescue remedy pastilles and they help with the anxiety and it is not addicting. You can get them at a whole Food store or online. Also drink chamomile tea
02-17-2013, 01:39 AM
Thank you Bajablue, you DO get it. IF all else fails, medication at the dose needed to do the job, as long as it will do little to no harm is the way to love myself. I did just that And the earthquack in my body and soul as quieted. At least for now. Sometimes the system just needs to calm down to break the cycle of severe 10/10 attacks
Mylan, you are so sweet and thank you for your suggestions! Hoever I had already tried those things even before coming to post of my severe attack that I am having. BTW I don't think that I said I felt like passing out. For the last two days I have been belly breathing. That is the first thing I did. I even took a night time tea made to put you to sleep to try and calm myself did next to nothing, I made it strong and with Chamomille tea. Ther truly is a huge list of things that I tried. Usually something works but when the anxiety is at most a 5/10. Anything above that my bag of anti-anxiety tricks fail miserably
Everyone, believe me when I say that this go around I tried my best at everything I know to do, and I do have some techqniques that Usually works. This time was really, really bad, so I took an extra pill to help me fight this. It was my last choice
Anyway, now let's see if sleep will come my way. I pray it does
Thank you everyone, if you have taken an extra anti-anxiety pill for the worst of the worst attack, I'd love to hear from you. Does tolerance come so quickly with Ativan, if alredy on them daily and ya take an extra to stop the suffering?
02-17-2013, 01:44 AM
I wish there was some sort of group therapy where I live but there isn't not that I know of but that could be very helpful to talk and listen to people who understand. This site is also very helpful.
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