View Full Version : something about fear

02-16-2013, 12:23 PM
I thought i'd make a thread here and see if anyone has any similar experience with anxieties.

Lately i've had this fear about becoming depressed and doing something drastic to myself. I don't really feel depressed, and don't want to die (in fact i'm terrified of it) but I have this irrational fear that i'm going to wake up one day and be in a bad place. Furthermore these mental problems have made it hard to enjoy things. Not in the sense that i've lost interest in things, but i'l be doing something or feeling excitement and then like clockwork something in my head will go off and be I'l fearful. I also don't really have any of the physical symptoms of anxiety, just a tightness in the chest, which is something i've had from time to time since I was 14. I'm just finding it really hard to let go of these fears and obsessive thoughts. Anyone here know anything about this?

02-17-2013, 11:57 PM
yea you are not alone. This is how my obsessive thought crap became existent in my life. It first started out as a fear of thinking I could possibly be depressed. Then that thought triggered my first panic attack. Now ever since that day iv had intrusive annoying thoughts that one day I will die from suicide or something. No I am not suicidal either and never have been depressed in my life. Alot of people I believe actually have this problem and it is actually well known in people who suffer from anxiety. Usually people have the fear that they will hurt others. Then other people have the fear that they will hurt themselves. Before anxiety came onto my life I was normal as can be. Thought patterns never bothered me. I am trying to get rid of this thought pattern just like you. Its really hard because it always seems to sneak back. I have came along ways though since last year...when my anxiety was at its worse...I read up on some ways to get over this and somebody offered advice called desensitization. Meaning allow the thoughts to fill you're mind and think of every possible terrible outcome that could happen. soon the thoughts will have no effect on you anymore and leave. The reason why they keep coming back is because you keep shutting them out. Shutting these thoughts out you are just creating a monster and a bigger problem. Normal people who do not suffer from this can have one of these thoughts and just "move on" and not obsess over it because they do not have a thought pattern like we do. People with anxiety latch on to things more and over think and question everything.

You are not alone and i am in the same exact boat as you. We will get through this shit though. My goal is to end this non sense by summer so I can enjoy myself.