View Full Version : Heartburn

02-15-2013, 09:01 PM
Hey guys and gals question my dr just upped my meds on tues and since he did that I have had a mild headache and major heartburn and I can't get rid of it ... Any thoughts I am now on 50 mg of Zoloft

02-16-2013, 06:12 AM
Here is my thought, and keep in mind this is just a theory.

Zoloft tends to up a persons anxiety when started or increased, I think that what's happening is what happened to me and that is that your anxiety is peaked because of the change in meds and you're having a typical symptom of increased anxiety which is heartburn, now are you on any sort of heartburn meds? I'm on prilosec myself, it really does seem to help.

The headache is typical of anti depressant increase, I would give it maybe a week, if you have no improvement or worsening I would speak to your doctor, as always if you're truly concerned speak with your doc or pharmacist and they should be able to help you out.