View Full Version : Another night cant sleep worried about tomorrow

02-14-2013, 11:49 PM
I can't sleep mind is running anxious about returning to work tomorrow and how my boss will be with me, worried I will get fired ... Can't breathe everyone else is sleeping and I feel like I am freaking out....not sure how to turn it off

02-15-2013, 12:01 AM
I can't sleep mind is running anxious about returning to work tomorrow and how my boss will be with me, worried I will get fired ... Can't breathe everyone else is sleeping and I feel like I am freaking out....not sure how to turn it off

To be completely honest I don't know how to turn it off. I always have to ride it out until I feel ok again. When everyone is asleep and we're up by ourselves we are at our most vulnerable for thoughts and symptoms. Most of the time when I'm the last one up (I have a bad sleeping pattern from morning til afternoon, I guess the daylight gives me a sense of false security) I always find myself thinking what if I don't see this person or that person again or what if something happens. It sucks I know. I'm here to chat if that helps calm your mind. I know it always helps me. Even if I still feel symptoms just typing and reading helps to ignore them until they are gone.

02-15-2013, 12:19 AM
Just confused - thank you it does help to know that there are others out there how get what I am feeling I tend to stay up late and try to sleep in late in the mornings because then it is a short time till my husband gets home.for me texting being on the phone I am ok so this forums has been a huge help to me, my husband worries that I will allow the forum to consume me because I am now constantly checking and reading what others are feeling and if I am having the same issue I can relate to I am in contact with them..... It has helped get through taking the higher dose a meds and gets me to relax but he is not seeing that.i wonder why it all affects us so much different then others

02-15-2013, 12:38 AM
Yes I too do the same thing about waking up when they come home! In my case it's I'll wake up about an hour before my mother comes home. Being alone all day is just hard to deal with. I experience a pretty big amount of guilt. She does so much for me, and I wish I could get a job again and help out. I'm 19 and had a job out of high school until this hit and now I find it almost impossible to even drive my car halfway to where I worked without having to pull over. The money I had saved up I used all on helping my parents get food even though they are doing fine without the help I just couldn't make myself spend the money on myself. I tend to be way too hard on myself and feel guilty for everything all the time. Sometimes I just pace around and cry thinking of the times I was a complete idiot and didn't consider people's feelings. I know that's probably just a part of maturing, but when you worry alot it hits harder. Now instead of accepting I'm healthy and making happy memories to remember I spend all my time scared something will happen and I won't have time to do anything.

02-15-2013, 12:42 AM
I work midnights so my sleep is screwed up anyways. The posts and helpful techniques by others have really reduced my overall anxiety. I have had a pretty good week so far with only one panicky moment that I shut down. I'm still not looking forward to my doctor visit next Thursday. It is my kryptonite. I wish I could just walk in there and not panic. So many questions I would have but can't think bc I'm so panicked. Hopefully the tools people post here will help me through that appointment. If anyone needs to talk late at night through the week i always have my phone so feel free I'm usually not that busy.

02-15-2013, 12:50 AM
Just confused - I totally understand I lost my job in 2011 after a car accident at the same time my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer I was 36 at the time and decided with my husband I was needed to take care of my family so I stayed home to take care of her when my dad was traveling during the next year and a half I ended up taking care of my mom grandma ( who lives with them) and my dad we had chemo and radiation And then pace maker and cardiologist for grandma and the hip and knee replacement for my dad ... I totaled out my car in jan 2011 so I had to rely on them I finally returned to work in aug of 2012 and after barely driving for a year and a half I find it hard to get to where I need to be I also have a now 5 yr old daughter who has been through all of this with me so I have to sometimes find a way to hide what I am feeling till she is asleep and it hits hard mainly when I am at work or driving to or from. It is so hard sometimes but you have to do it try each day something new that you could not do. And find a way to make it exciting you are so young. I dealt with all this for 7 yrs before I finally reached out to my dr for help so I am new to the med regimin but find it is helping at certain points but the still have some of the feelings

02-15-2013, 12:57 AM
Jamus75- I hate going to the dr so I know what you are feeling of panic when you have to go I also make a notes the week before so I don't forget what I was feeling so I can help them understand better. Wen I went this week my dr was happy I did not break down and cry so he knew the meds were working just needed upped but now I find since taking the higher dose I have constant heart burn or acid reflux which I can't stand so that has been put in my dr journal on my phone so it will be discussed at my next appoint ment I mark on my phone colander if it was a good day bad day or decent day so I can print it out and take it with me so we can discuss the bad and the good to see what the next steps are. Hope that might help you keep me posted on how it goes at the appointment

02-15-2013, 01:12 AM
I actually find comfort at the doctor. I find my mind thinking well atleast I'm around people that definitely know if something is wrong. My bp is high when they take it because I'm afraid something is wrong with me that they will find. After they do tests and find nothing it is normal. Then after I leave I have a week of the best feeling ever. It never lasts, though.