View Full Version : Why do the sysmptoms just pop up ......

02-14-2013, 06:38 PM
So I am sitting here with my husband and best friend and all of a sudden I got really tired closed my eyes for about an hour and since I woke up my heart feels like it is gonna pop out of my chest ..... And all I can think of is it because I am supposed to return to work tomorrow and I just don't
Know if I am ready since we just upped my meds on tues.... Any thoughts???????

02-14-2013, 06:47 PM
Yeah it probably is to do with returning to work. Its hard for anyone to go back after an absence but for us it's a nightmare. It's natural.
Try to be positive. I know it's hard but if you have a kind voice up there you'll feel more relaxed.

02-14-2013, 07:27 PM
I know and I keep telling my self this is no big deal I had the time available meaning attendance credits and I have a return to work note from my doctor but yet I fear I will be fired .... I just can't get it to stop and I don't know if it that or the fact I went from 25 mg to 50 mg of Zoloft that is causing this racing in the chest and tiredness