View Full Version : We all deserve a medal!

02-14-2013, 06:37 PM
There's a lot of suffering going on here. How about we see how far we have progressed ? Dosnt matter how big or small.

For me it's learning to trust in myself (some days) and telling that anxiety to bog off ! X

02-14-2013, 07:48 PM
I love this sometimes when I do something that I normally don't do I will say me 1 anxiety 0 not gonna beat me today however it is been like me 0 and anxiety 3 million

02-14-2013, 08:19 PM
I love this sometimes when I do something that I normally don't do I will say me 1 anxiety 0 not gonna beat me today however it is been like me 0 and anxiety 3 million

My victories are always noted (almost always) in my journal so I can look back and have something to give me hope when my mood turns dark and it feels like I'm sitting at the bottom of a deep, dark, narrow well.

Overcoming my triggers - not falling prey to them. Like laying in bed real late reading without obsessing about the time which can induce incredible anxiety.

02-14-2013, 08:35 PM
Bajablue I to have a journal that I keep but lately it has been more negative then positive winter months seem to be worse for me and I too sink to a lonely dark area in life today I made 1 stride and then failed to execute the finish end result I went for a walk alone and could only make it 3 houses away from mine and I had to run back and then dropped to the floor in a ball and started to cry .... Hardest thing my husband has seen yet in 14 yrs of being with me. I try to find the positive but just don't know how. It is positive ideas and thoughts on these forums that give me hope

02-14-2013, 08:49 PM
I have been there Weary. I have. Our spouses do not have the training to "fix" us though all the years ago when I started getting ill I clung to my wife as if she were a life raft. She was scared out of her mind. I was 27, she was pregant with our 1st.

Now, as much as I wish it to be different I know all I can expect is for her to hold me or just stay in the room so I am not alone. Granted, I am far removed from those dark days but when I have setbacks I still see fear in her eyes. That hurts more than the anxiety; scaring my wife. She is only two years removed from a battle with cancer and we are only 8 or so years from retiring.

What keeps me going is a bunch of things, but mostly the knowledge I have beat it before and can do so again.

02-14-2013, 09:09 PM
Bajablue my husband is my life raft too he worked nights for a very long time and I that is when things really got bad for me. I don't see fear in my husbands eyes and I do a kind of sadness because he does not know how to help me. I started this in 2004 and did it on my own till 2012 after a long year and a half of taking care of my mom who battled breast cancer my grand mother that lives with them in having a pace maker put in and had been dealing with blackout and fainting spells so during chemo and radiation rounds with mom I was running to cardiologist appts with my grandma then a knee and hip replacement with my father all started in 2011 till the middle of 2012. I ran 2 households and had my daughter who was 4 at the time with me so I never had a dull moment but once that all stopped and I had time to think the anxiety came full force and I have not been able to get back to who I once was

02-14-2013, 09:17 PM
I have progressed a bit. I went from being on two meds to just one. I exercise and meditate more, which seems to help my anxiety.
I went from not being able to drive anywhere due to dizzy spells, to being able to drive local roads without getting the spells. Slow steps, but at least they are in the right direction.

02-14-2013, 09:25 PM
Trinidiva that is awesome I suffer with the driving issues myself but along as I am in the phone with someone I can get from point a to b which helps a lot to get me going but just starting this whole meds part of it so not sure what my next steps will be if the 50 mg does not work

02-14-2013, 10:58 PM
I actually think I deserve a medal! Jk but I've been through hell and back, and I've learned not to take life for granted and deal with the cards we were dealt with, but staying positive and hopping for a royal flush.

I've had major surgeries, perforated colon, burst appendix, gal stones, iliostomy reversal. The list goes on. And all that within 2 years.


02-14-2013, 11:38 PM
Saldav it sure sounds like you to deserve a medal :) it sounds like you have had a really rough road, do you feel that the forum helps you when in need?

02-14-2013, 11:53 PM
Saldav it sure sounds like you to deserve a medal :) it sounds like you have had a really rough road, do you feel that the forum helps you when in need?

This forum is very helpful, it's a comfort knowing we are not alone.

02-14-2013, 11:57 PM
Saldav this is what I think I have needed for a while is others who understand and can help knowing that I am not alone as I very much feel alone so this has been very helpful for me

02-21-2013, 01:33 PM
I actually think I deserve a medal! Jk but I've been through hell and back, and I've learned not to take life for granted and deal with the cards we were dealt with, but staying positive and hopping for a royal flush.

I've had major surgeries, perforated colon, burst appendix, gal stones, iliostomy reversal. The list goes on. And all that within 2 years.


Good to see you look towards GOD... Definitely the way to go!! I lost my brother ( my best friend and go to guy) just over a year ago suddenly.. Then lost my best best friend, tragically in a car accident, 6 months later..Since have had the worst Panic Attacks imaginable ...!... GOD is where I lean most!