View Full Version : Natural Vs. Prescribed Medication

02-14-2013, 10:51 AM
So I've read where natural supplements like amino acids and magnesium may help dissolve anxiety somewhat and I would love to give this a try as I'm more into natural supplements that what I get from my doctor. Presently I'm taking paxil with lexaton as the back up. I'm trying not to take the lexaton though as I've been told it can be addictive and no one wants to get addicted or dependent on any medication right?

My question is, if I choose to go the natural way, do I stop taking the prescribed medicine?

For me paxil seems to make me more anxious, though sometimes I do feel a lot better...so its a little confusing as to whether its working or not. The Doc gave me lexaton because he says paxil takes a time to start working. I think I'm four or five weeks into it.

Fact is, I prefer to go the natural way. Just need some advice as to how to make the transition or is it OK to take both?

02-14-2013, 11:00 AM
Well first start of with your doctar. Some herbals cannot be mixed with prescription meds. And never just stop taking a prescription without conculting with your doctar first. They will want to graduely tapper u off the med. Theres nothing wrong with natural meds but make sure u get off your prescriptions the healthy safe way. And remember all meds even natural usually take some time to actually start effecting u.

02-14-2013, 11:02 AM
Your pharmasist should be able to tell u as well if the natural meds u are wanting to take will interfear with your prescription

02-14-2013, 11:28 AM
I know there are those who have had incredible success with natural remedies. I myself have not. At least not for anything beyond moderate anxiety. I have tried TrueCalm and Seredyn - I did not notice muc relief if any from either. I vote for prescrition meds because they worked for me. Took awhile to find the right one but my life changed once I did.

02-14-2013, 02:33 PM
bajablue, which meds did you try and which one worked?

02-14-2013, 03:27 PM
I tried some very old meds before settling on Zoloft. Zoloft crushed the depression after about a month and was/is very effective for Panic. It works pretty good for Generalized Anxiety, though I do have breakthrough episodes when certain triggers pushed. Bad experience with Welbutrin which caused markedly increased anxiety.