View Full Version : ok hearing so much sadness and loss of hope

02-14-2013, 10:38 AM
Wanting to hear some positives today. What have u done that has helped your anxiety or panic... Vitamins, meditation, counc exc. Ive heard so many storys exzactly like mine, i really would like to read some positives today ;0)

02-14-2013, 11:01 AM
Going to the gym tends to help me decrease my bouts with anxiety. I was extremely overweight about 4 months ago and have lost about 30 pounds. My BP has decreased to a normal range which helps a little with my "health anxiety". I recommend going to the gym at least 3-4 times a week. When I first started I had to force myself to go but once you're in it becomes a little easier each time. Hope this helps. If I can do it so can you.😃

02-14-2013, 11:04 AM
Going to the gym tends to help me decrease my bouts with anxiety. I was extremely overweight about 4 months ago and have lost about 30 pounds. My BP has decreased to a normal range which helps a little with my "health anxiety". I recommend going to the gym at least 3-4 times a week. When I first started I had to force myself to go but once you're in it becomes a little easier each time. Hope this helps. If I can do it so can you.?de03
Thank u. Im starting my gym membership this week actually ;0)

02-14-2013, 11:22 AM
187, I originally experienced anxety, anxiety attacks and depression from it all..well, 25 years ago now. The early days/weeks/months were very hard. The world was different and "people" were not as enlightened about the illness as they are today. I kept it a secreat until it came out like a volcano. Years went by and I worked my tail off to recover. Group therapy, one-on-one talk therapy, different meds, etc. I recovered. Recovery means you get better and if you are smart you remember you are always recovering. You keep doing the healthy things (including taking meds) that got you out of the dark place. Recovery also means, for me, that sometimes, for no reason I know, the anxiety revisits. I am recovering now from a month bout of moderate to intense anxiety.
First thing is to make sure you are taking meds, seeing a good doctor (good doctors does not mean any doctor, if you do not feel a certain doctor is resonating with you - change), I would advise finding a group therapy session you can join and attend regularly - there is magic in face to face discussions with others who have been there and understand. Try to find a CD specific for relaxation ( I did and my Psychologist had me invision, each time I meditated or relaxed, building a beautiful crystal wall of strength. Sometimes you can add a brick or sometimes just a tiny chip to the wall but the point is to inforce that every time you do this you are doing something positive and moving towards a healthier you - build the wall). I exercise also which helps break the cycle of negative thoughts and builds confidence that you have some tools to deploy against the illness. When things get really dark, when you completely overwhelmed or changing meds and are down - always have a benzo available to see you through short term until you feel better without them. I journal and keep a record of my days - not just an anxiety focus but it is there non the less and you can look, during dark days and see days where it wasn't so bad - because we all know that when you are in the midst of a really bad anxiety episode you feel like you will never get better, you will never feel good again. Journals are a therapuetic step. Read positive books of hope. I did and still do. Do not watch the news on TV - it is always negative and seeps into your subconsious.
I am here 25 years later. I come to this site to both get help and give help/guidance; give back. Sorry for long winded reply. Good luck young lady - you have kindred souls here.

02-14-2013, 12:36 PM
Thank you ;0) very nice reply. And they are never to long .. All your techniques or advice is well received and i will deffinatly make some more changes and add some more positives to my life. Thank u

02-14-2013, 12:37 PM
Going to the gym tends to help me decrease my bouts with anxiety. I was extremely overweight about 4 months ago and have lost about 30 pounds. My BP has decreased to a normal range which helps a little with my "health anxiety". I recommend going to the gym at least 3-4 times a week. When I first started I had to force myself to go but once you're in it becomes a little easier each time. Hope this helps. If I can do it so can you.?de03

I agree 100%. I had to force myself to go also, and even still some days now, I get lazy and don't want to go, but after exercising, I feel anxiety free and so good. I wish I could keep that feeling all the time.