View Full Version : Worried about brain problems.

02-13-2013, 10:14 PM
Ok I have been worried about this lately. There are spots on my head where the skull connects and is raised and I always feel them and freak out thinking what if something is growing and pushing them up? I know that isn't the case because they have always been that way and no accompanying symptoms worsen. But these last few hours I've had this pain that is at the top back left side of my head and it has me scared of a tumor or something. It comes and goes and isn't extreme or anything, but is freaking me out. I've heard kinds of migraines or tension can happen in quarter sized spots, but it definitely doesn't feel like a migraine. It doesn't hurt that bad, it's just a weird pain that comes and goes in a spot where I described. I wish I could get brain tumor thoughts out of my head :/

02-13-2013, 10:55 PM
I finally convince myself it's nothing to worry about and start to feel better, and bam just great something happens to throw me into near panic. Out of nowhere my left ear got this crazy sound. It was like a loud thump thump thump then pause and then thump thump again and then went away. I took my pulse when it started and it didn't go along with my heart beat. I have no clue what that was but it scared me. I've heard whoosh and all that stuff before, but never experienced this. I'm tired of reading about noises in the ear being related to build up in arteries or whatever near ears :(