View Full Version : anyone out there get higher level anxiety when they know they have to do something?

02-13-2013, 09:06 PM
Had some crazy moments in today's hours I finally had the opportunity to settle down and time to reflect on the things I have no control over but how I can start to try to fix them but at 10:00 I could feel my chest starting to tighten because I knew I had to take my meds at 11:00 and I know when I get up in the morning I will be in the house alone which makes my anxiety crazy .... I have to be up earlier to take my daughter to library class and feel like I have no energy to do it because I am panicking about being alone ...... What can I do so my daughter does not suffer because her mommy has all these fears ?????????

02-14-2013, 09:09 AM
Weary, where are you meds wise? I take it you're on a benzo with 11 AM meds or is that wrong? If so have you had a full trial course of an antidepressant as well? Although they're called AD's they also have anti anxiety effects.
Have you done much reading about anxiety? I like Dr. Reed Wilson's, "DON'T PANIC". Good book on anxiety and not all that long. Alankay

02-14-2013, 09:38 AM
I am currently on 50 mg of Zoloft this is the meds we are trying I started on may of 2012 I have been dealing with the anxiety and prince since 2004 and did my best to push through it. I will look for that book I love reading this site has been so helpful on so many levels I don't feel like I am alone because there are others who understand the contestant feelings I have. Thank you

02-14-2013, 11:39 AM
AB-so-lute-ly. Anticapatory anxiety is my key trigger. I have been able to maintain a job for 25 years while battling this illness. Granted, it was the first year or two that were the toughest. Anyway, to me, there is nothing as bad as lying in bed, cannot sleep, having strong anxiety and knowing I HAVE TO GET UP AND GO NO MATTER WHAT because my family is counting on me. Knowing everyone is effected if I do not continue to push forward. Those nights are the darkest memories of my life. So, Weary, I understand and empathize with you. I am on a much larger does of Zoloft even now than you. Zoloft was the miracle that worked on me after trying others and I have been on it since it came out - geez, maybe 15+ years ago. I always have my ambien within easy reach. I do not abuse it. If I lay in bed for an hour without sleep - I move and try a different place in the house, if that does not help and my breathing exercises don't help I take the ambien and it always works for me. At my lowest point in 1990 I actually went 4+ days without sleeping but that was the depression that came from not getting anxiety relief. I do not allow myself to suffer like that any longer. I allow myself, without guilt to do what I have to. If it means taking a sleeping pill or taking a benzo for a week or two through a rough patch I do it and try not to beat myself up over it. A Doctor once told me, because I was so guilty about taking those, that I should look at as if I am treating one of my kids. Would I let them suffer when help is at hand? No. Not sure this helps at all but....

02-14-2013, 12:36 PM
Totally empathise , if I have to go anywhere , or keep an appointment , things expected of me , I find it really hard & more often than not font turn up , which on turn makes me feel guilty & hopeless .

When my anxiety is at its worst I can't go out of the house .