View Full Version : Living With Anxiety

02-13-2013, 06:22 PM
My name is Cleveland. I am 36 years old and had my first panic attack last year (2012) two months after I got married and moved out of my parents home, and two months before my father died. I have had all the symptoms except the headaches, and have been to two doctors, spent a lot of money on medical tests (which all came back okay) and still find myself wanting to go check myself into the nearest hospital. The good news is, I have a counselor friend who has experience with people like me and that has helped a lot. He has a book on Amazon called "Thorns in the heart." One thing to keep in mind, especially for those who have been to the doctor/hospital and have ruled out all other possibilities is that what we are felling is just that. A feeling. Its uncomfortable and tries to drive us insane, but its really just a feeling. It can't kill us, or send us to the mental ward. What is happening is just a magnified awareness of what is happening in our bodies, and sometimes we think we need to help our bodies breath and that actually makes it worse.

I have documented my journey in the book "Defeating Giants: Living With Anxiety" also on amazon.

What helped me a lot was reading other peoples stories, so I intend to tell mine with the hope that I can also help others. Its not easy living with anxiety, but I do believe we can overcome it or at least take away its power or crippling effect on our lives.

02-13-2013, 10:02 PM
Consider yourself very fortunate to have had your first attack last year and recovered enough to author a book. Many of us here have battled anxiety for years. Your advice in this forum could be very helpful.