View Full Version : A village of Us, for Us, by Us.

02-13-2013, 12:09 PM
Just for the heck of it I have thought what it would be like if there was a village where you had to be a sufferer of anxiety or have recovered from it to get in (families welcome of course) and live. A place where we would live and support each other each day. A warm environment with homes run by those recovered where those having a bad day or week could walk in and get support, guidance, and unconditional love from those who have traveled that road before at any time of day or night. A place with no judgement. A place where everyone realizes that having Anxiety is as real as having cancer and just as debilitating. Where nobody tells us to "snap out of it" or "think positive thoughts". A warm home of acceptance and care where we collectively interview Therapists with our leveraged power and only invite the very best to work with us. Can't sleep; it's the middle of the night...walk over to the communal 24 hour house where a warm fireplace and healthy distractions await. We would have many formal group sessions: on meds, on health anxiety, social, you name it. Either a therapist or a "Recovered" would lead.

Just for the heck of it, because it could never be, what else would we want? What have I missed?

02-13-2013, 12:21 PM
You know what, I think this is a good idea!! :p

When my anxiety disorder was at it's peak, I couldn't handle life. I couldn't handle the way people lived, having to go to work, earn money, sort out accommodation, socialize, take care of my family etc... I just couldn't cope with any of that. But there was plenty I could cope with. I could write extensively. I done a lot of gardening, growing my own foods. I looked after my young family members, as it was pretty easy. You don't have to explain yourself to a baby! We'd have to drop this whole greedy, do or die attitude our society has. We could let people do what they are good at, or enjoy. Anxiety sufferers aren't useless afterall, they just can't always handle what people want them to handle. They often have many skills that help them, as well as the community, it's just nobody bothers to find out, or care what those skills are.

I think recovery times would speed up by about 500%! It's funny you say this actually. My anxiety was so bad at some point, I got sent to a clinic, and it was a lot like this. It helped me soooo much!! It makes me feel awful for the people who live with people that don't understand, or are really struggling for money and stuff. It must make it so much harder! Hang in there guys.

02-13-2013, 12:54 PM
Great Idea!!!!!!!

02-13-2013, 03:16 PM
What a lovely ideal thing this would be for us . We can dream !!

02-14-2013, 03:09 AM
Just being able to say; 'I'm feeling pretty crappy right now, lets walk/talk/get out of here' would be the greatest and most liberating feeling.

One of the major aspects of my anxiety is having it unveiled to ALL of my friends, ALL of my colleagues and everyone knowing the shame and sadness I feel at being so 'weak' and not being able to control myself :(

02-14-2013, 03:22 AM
Yes mine is hidden to from everyone but my wife and her best friend who had suffered too.