View Full Version : Panic Disorder/Anxiety

02-13-2013, 05:42 AM
Hello everyone :)

I have recently been diagnosed with 'panic disorder', and i'm feeling pretty anxious all the time, and when i'm not i'm crying! Not much fun for me at the moment.

Doctor initially prescribed citalopram, which i reacted very badly to (being sick, panicking etc). He now has me on 10mg Imipramine every night. I have been on this now for 2 weeks and did notice an improvement for around 8 days, however i suffered another panic attack on Saturday night, and i've felt ridiculously anxious over the most random stupid things ever since? Anybody had a similar experience? I'm beginning to think that maybe the meds gave an initial placebo effect?


02-13-2013, 09:49 AM
AD's can cause more anxiety just at first. I bet the imiprimine dose will need to go higher. Alankay

11-07-2013, 03:39 PM
Been there actully! Got better now however! Keep fighting!