View Full Version : Do I have a brain tumor? Legitimately terrified.

02-12-2013, 07:31 PM
Lately, I've been feeling horrible. I suspect I may have a brain tumor but I don't know.

My symptoms are:
-tension headaches in the front of my head
-nausea, feel like vomiting
-dizziness almost all the time
-mixing up my words, feel like I have problems speaking
-can NEVER concentrate on anything
-non stop fatigue
-I feel like im becoming a different person
-and lastly, horrible thinking. Like, I was sitting with my therapist the other day and she was asking me fairly simple questions like how I felt the past week and I'd try to remember but I couldn't bring up a thing. When I try to remember things, my mind shuts down. I feel like I'm brain dead, and scared of going stupid. I find myself answering questions with "I don't know" a lot.

I'm so scared. I'm only 16 and I don't want to have a brain tumor. But I feel like my mind is shutting down and all of these other symptoms just make me certain i have a tumor. Please help.

02-12-2013, 07:36 PM
I have all this shit and I just went to the doctor today and guess what he prescribed me antidepressents :/ I developed a bad memory can't remember anything feel like I'm not myself headaches everything u described lol

02-12-2013, 08:21 PM
I've had this fear for over 2 years!! I google it everytime I have a headache!! The thought has haunted me!!!!

02-13-2013, 07:14 PM
I have all this shit and I just went to the doctor today and guess what he prescribed me antidepressents :/ I developed a bad memory can't remember anything feel like I'm not myself headaches everything u described lol

I kinda wanna see a neurologist just to get a cautionary MRI or something but I'm scared my parents won't let me or believe me and the doctor will just say its anxiety and give me more medication. Ugh.

02-14-2013, 03:27 AM
I get all those symptoms and many, many more

02-14-2013, 09:11 AM
If you had a brain tumor, the symptoms would be more pronounced. Anxiety is probably making you experience all these symptoms and you are caught in that never ending cycle of fear like so many of us here. Try to counter attack your negative thoughts with positive thoughts. You do not have a brain tumor.