View Full Version : Back aches

02-12-2013, 12:39 PM
Why is it that my back hurts sooooo bad after being anxious and stressed and nervous?? Does this happen to anyone else?

02-12-2013, 12:46 PM
My back absolutely kills really really bad! It's completely normal xx

02-12-2013, 12:54 PM
My back absolutely kills really really bad! It's completely normal xx

Thank you nicole123. I feel like they are squeezing my back real hard. I cannot handle these body aches.

02-12-2013, 02:14 PM
Thank you nicole123. I feel like they are squeezing my back real hard. I cannot handle these body aches.

Yeah I used to get the exact same pains in my back at the top mainly. Have you had any ECG's? I had the pain whilst my 24 hour heart monitor was on and all came back clear so you know the pains are nothing drastic and are muscle aches I was in agony with mine! X

02-12-2013, 02:20 PM
Yes all test have been done. Mine is the lower back. They tell me it is due to the anxiety.

02-12-2013, 05:24 PM
Severe lower back pain was the first thing that was wrong with me in a long line of symptoms that have so far led me to believe I have anxiety. Started in August. Rarely have a day where it doesn't hurt. I thought I had strained my back or had a disc problem. I had two MRIs and a CT with a neurologist. They said, mechanically, I'm perfectly fine except for a disc that's bulging a little bit outwards in my neck. But they said that's not uncommon for my age and line of work. Best I can figure it's because of the way I sit and being tense most of the time. I also have aches that extend from my lower back into my legs. I stretch and massage my upper thigh with my elbow.

02-12-2013, 07:35 PM
Mine is my neck and shoulder it is so tight right now, made me lightheaded and tired

02-12-2013, 07:42 PM
For the last few months my neck and shoulders have been sore nearly everyday. It's just starting to let up. I get a day here and there when they aren't. Today they aren't tomorrow probably will be because of pressure at work.

02-12-2013, 09:12 PM
I recently joined this ap because I have been told i have depression/anxiety and need help by my best friend and my boyfriend I don't really want to take medication because I have severe fears of gaining weight but I recently got my first career salary type job and I hate it and that has added alot of stress and pressure on top of all the fears and worry and stress I already had and I have severe upper back and lower neck pains get like build up tension chunks I can feel when I try to get knots out its really gross and I always wake up at least 3 x the ought out the night and just feel trapped in my own body/life sometimes like think wow this is my life work sleep work sleep braise always way to exhausted by 5 o clock to do anything besides watch stupid reality tv shows at least I finally got cable but still then every friday after work I come home and sleep 7pm Til 1 pm Saturday cuz soo overtired and the only things that seem to make me feel better are shopping ( it sounds bad it is bad) and my dog I am obsessed and constantly worried feel bad she is home alone while I at work and want to make sure she happy just I always worry and stress and can't seem to enjoy anything without worrying bout the worst idk feel lost hope I an find some support that understand what I'm going through not jut go get some medication crazy that I seem to get from friends and bf

02-13-2013, 11:47 AM
Lost145 i know exactly how u feel. If u need someone to talk it just chat i am here. My name is Karen.