View Full Version : Not sure what I have and why my issue bothers me!

02-11-2013, 12:44 PM
Hi all,
I know that there is something off with me, but I have no idea what it is or how to begin explaining it properly. I am having a ton of issues with neighbors a couple of houses down that have a little tiny dog that barks the highest pitch bark you could ever imagine. Neighbors behind us used to have a similar dog, but it didn't bother me nearly as much as they were quick to stop it. These neighbors are not. I spent about 10 minutes shovelling yesterday and all it did was bark at me non stop until they finally brought it inside.

Most other neighbors agree it is a problem, but they don't have to hear it as much as we do. We enjoy using our backyard, but they let the dog go outside the back on their deck and never take it for walks. We've contacted animal control, a neighborhood police representative and have spoke to them ourselves as well. With a baby on the way, it is starting to worry me more and more. The day it was barking at me, it woke up my wife who was trying to nap.

Although we are annoyed by the problem, I find most people are able to let it go. But I can't. I find myself looking outside to see if they are home. When I come home from work, I get a nervous feeling and check to see if they are home. I sometimes sit inside to do some work at a window that looks at their back deck just to see if it is happening and how long it goes. When it does start I find myself staring and wondering when it will stop. My wife tells me to stop watching, but I can't. I know we use our backyard a lot (we let our cats out as its fenced in), and I like to sit outside. But I feel like I can't even do that now without being nervous. Is this some sort of anxiety or OCD?

The weird thing for me is the people don't seem like bad people. I feel like I shouldn't be nervous. It's a little dog that just barks up a storm. Everytime I try to focus on this, it doesn't seem to work and I just feel more and more annoyed.

Any advice/general direction of what this might be would be amazing. I have never had this issue before and it's quite frustrating in your own home!

02-14-2013, 08:02 PM
Just wanted to bump this to see if anyone had any advice.


Hi all,
I know that there is something off with me, but I have no idea what it is or how to begin explaining it properly. I am having a ton of issues with neighbors a couple of houses down that have a little tiny dog that barks the highest pitch bark you could ever imagine. Neighbors behind us used to have a similar dog, but it didn't bother me nearly as much as they were quick to stop it. These neighbors are not. I spent about 10 minutes shovelling yesterday and all it did was bark at me non stop until they finally brought it inside.

Most other neighbors agree it is a problem, but they don't have to hear it as much as we do. We enjoy using our backyard, but they let the dog go outside the back on their deck and never take it for walks. We've contacted animal control, a neighborhood police representative and have spoke to them ourselves as well. With a baby on the way, it is starting to worry me more and more. The day it was barking at me, it woke up my wife who was trying to nap.

Although we are annoyed by the problem, I find most people are able to let it go. But I can't. I find myself looking outside to see if they are home. When I come home from work, I get a nervous feeling and check to see if they are home. I sometimes sit inside to do some work at a window that looks at their back deck just to see if it is happening and how long it goes. When it does start I find myself staring and wondering when it will stop. My wife tells me to stop watching, but I can't. I know we use our backyard a lot (we let our cats out as its fenced in), and I like to sit outside. But I feel like I can't even do that now without being nervous. Is this some sort of anxiety or OCD?

The weird thing for me is the people don't seem like bad people. I feel like I shouldn't be nervous. It's a little dog that just barks up a storm. Everytime I try to focus on this, it doesn't seem to work and I just feel more and more annoyed.

Any advice/general direction of what this might be would be amazing. I have never had this issue before and it's quite frustrating in your own home!

02-14-2013, 09:24 PM
Gosh, this is a tough one. It seems you've done everything.....could you nicely speak to the neighbors again and really impress upon them how bothersome the continuous barking is? We have a dog here in my neighborhood that loves to howl and make noise, but thank goodness, it isn't continuous all day. That would drive me crazy. On their end of things though, I don't know that they can really control the dog's barking either.....I'm not sure, besides keeping it locked up in the house all day, which they can't do.....I feel for you though....I can tell your at your wits end with this situation.

02-15-2013, 02:11 AM
I will say it does not sound like clinical anxiety; just a level of worry and obsession on the top end of normal