View Full Version : Muscle cramps or spasm?

02-10-2013, 08:52 PM
i had terrible muscular cramps all day from anxiety its excruciating this has never happened to me before i heard diazepam is good for things like that but i already tried ativan,clonazepam and xanax at high doses and none of those work so would diazepam do anything?i feel it in my calves and my hands

07-15-2013, 09:51 PM
I took 0.5 mg for 1 month (April), took my medicine like candy and had aweful withdrawal, my anxiety had got way worse. I started up on clonazepam in June. Didn't help very much because withdrawal messed my mind up bad. The thoughts got worse, I started having sensations tingling (everywhere, literally everywhere, even uncomfortable places), My body would spasm like crazy. In August I went back to college (Miles away from family) and in November I ran out of medication again (My psychologist refused to see me because I wasn't on time ever), another awful withdrawal. And more symptoms arose, psychosis etc. I went back home in december and they started me on 4mg a day. I was on medical leave and I went back to school the following fall (august). I was sad that I was once normal and all of the sudden had this anxiety taking over my life and mixed it with a lot of booze. No matter what I felt no relief. I feel you have to suffer a bit. AVOID RUNNING OUT OF MEDICATION AT ALL COSTS!! WITHDRAWAL MAKES THINGS WAY WORSE!. I weened off the medication a bit forcefully. I ran out of medication in February and it was hell for several months. But I noticed my symptoms going away. I had to educate myself on my symptoms. Find out what they mean and how I should react. Everything I read worked. People were always telling me to let go of the intrusive thoughts, to dismiss them. That didn't help. I still felt bad about having them. So I learned a little about them. And now I'm cured. I feel more confident around people. I feel like I found my true self. So basically, nothing is going to work to take away the spasms, time will cure them. Medicine doesn't cure stuff just masks it. I do think medicine is good, it helps calm you down and all, but doesn't cure everything.

07-15-2013, 09:53 PM
also Marijuana doesn't help with anxiety. It can help once you have balanced and established yourself. Remember though it is a hallucinagen and weird things could happen. Just remember to keep your cool. I personally don't smoke. I did a few days ago. It felt good, but not something I will be doing everyday.

07-15-2013, 10:01 PM
i had terrible muscular cramps all day from anxiety its excruciating this has never happened to me before i heard diazepam is good for things like that but i already tried ativan,clonazepam and xanax at high doses and none of those work so would diazepam do anything?i feel it in my calves and my hands

You must work in the heat? I get them as well, never did before, I thought it was my conditioning but, starting to think it anxiety too. Feet, legs, fingers, event eyelids get em. I work in extreme heat and only get em when it's hot

07-16-2013, 05:15 AM
Benzos do work but you shouldn't rely on them. Try progressiv emuscle relaxation for several weeks. it should help significantly. Also look at your diet, cut out the processed foods, junk and sweets. Also acceptance of anxiety is key. The body is tense and muscles cramp due to excess adrenaline over the weeks/months/years. The fight or flight response is kicking in at the drop of a hat. You should read some of the stickies at the top of this forum section. They are very helpful in helping you to understand your anxiety.

The more you understand the less fear and worry you bestow upon your anxiety. This will help you on the road to recovery quicker.

Hope you feel better soon.


07-16-2013, 08:41 AM
Muscle cramps and spasms, and anxiety, are the most characteristic symptoms of magnesium deficiency.

07-16-2013, 10:40 AM
Muscle cramps and spasms, and anxiety, are the most characteristic symptoms of magnesium deficiency.

I take magnesium. But I keep forgetting here and there. I need to stick with em, and really see if they work.

07-16-2013, 10:49 AM
i've tried several now and i still like the Slow-Mag (mg chloride plus calcium) the best. i just bought some Cardio Research Mg Taurate last night and took one this morning.. very smooth like the Slow-Mag, but I sense the mg with calcium is what works best for me (i don't consume much dairy).

07-16-2013, 10:51 AM
i've tried several now and i still like the Slow-Mag (mg chloride plus calcium) the best. i just bought some Cardio Research Mg Taurate last night and took one this morning.. very smooth like the Slow-Mag, but I sense the mg with calcium is what works best for me (i don't consume much dairy).

Gonna try those out and, it's
Time refill anyway. Thanks