View Full Version : Still having alot of anxeity

02-10-2013, 05:34 PM
Hi, i have had a problem with anxeity and depression all my life, i was prescribed paxil 20 mg over 20 years and have had good luck with it and lived a productive life, 3 months ago I was in a auto accident, broke my arm and hurt my neck, had a concussion was out for a lenght of time. My physcial injurys are healing nicely, but for about a month now ive been suffering from extreme anxeity. Im nervous most all the time and half sick to my tummy from the nerves. My doctor uped my paxil to 30 mg and put me on 1mg xanax. I still am on percacet for pain. If i take 2 or more xanax it seems to take the edge off but makes me real sleepy. And then the anxeity is back.. Sometimes i wake up with my heart beating so fast i cant hardly catch my breath.. Im on alot of vitamins, on all the b's etc. try to eat well, get lots of sleep, and avoid stress as much as possible, but the anxeity is always there and making my life impossible. I live in a rural area and the clioset phyc doctors are over 3 hours away.. Does anyone out there have any suggestions? Ive been listening to audio programs for calming anxeity, they help for alittle bit but thats all.. I feel like im going crazy and need help...

02-11-2013, 06:50 AM
Do some deep breathing throughout the day. Read books that can help educate you on anxiety and how to make life better. Be active and eat healthy. I eliminated caffeine from my diet, and also cut down on sugar and that's help a lot.