View Full Version : Diary of a depressed girl. Diary Page 3

02-10-2013, 06:56 AM
Diary Pst #7 Anxiety is eating me alive Feb 10 2013

Last night was a complete horror fest. I couldnt stay asleep for nothing. There is this feeling of nervousiness under my brest area. It comes in and goes. I hate it. It jerks me out of my sleep! I dont know what got me to thinking about something. or what got me going. I just know that I hate it... I makes me so upset. After having nearly a perfect week. Now this? What the fuck gives? I hope this isnt what I think it is. Ihad no exposer to the sun for 2 days now. I flelt sick to my stomach. Yesterday I felt like something was going wrong. I'm going to test this out and see what happens... I'm going to leave the house and stay in the sun. I think it may be the sun... I think I need vitamin D.

I'll keep you updated...