View Full Version : Freaking out

02-09-2013, 10:28 PM
I've been freaking out all night over head and ear pressure that I've had for 2 months. I even googled what if I die young tonight and then I'm setting at cheddars and this man comes up to me and tells me "I just felt the spirit to tell you that Jesus loves you, God loves you." I'm panicking, like shaking panicking. Is this all a coincidence? Or could I die tonight? I'm freaking out so bad :(

02-09-2013, 10:53 PM
I would take it maybe as a message from God. Relax . Breath in and out. You are never allone hunny. You are not going to die. And know one has ever died from a panic attack love. Try to relax and re focus on something else

02-09-2013, 11:02 PM
What do u mean message from God?

02-09-2013, 11:05 PM
Like as in " im with you! Relax, give me your worry and panic" .... I dont know if your religiouse but there are prayers in regards to panic and anxiety that you might find helpfule... They help me.. I

02-09-2013, 11:08 PM
I've been freaking out all night over head and ear pressure that I've had for 2 months. I even googled what if I die young tonight and then I'm setting at cheddars and this man comes up to me and tells me "I just felt the spirit to tell you that Jesus loves you, God loves you." I'm panicking, like shaking panicking. Is this all a coincidence? Or could I die tonight? I'm freaking out so bad :(

I have had a coincidence, or message happen to me. I have no idea what to call it, but it was definitely weird and I tried to make it helpful. A few weeks ago after anxiety being through the roof for days on end I just felt like something was definitely wrong or going to happen. I was trying to find something to occupy me so I was using google maps and using the street view to look at buildings in different parts of the world. Well I decided to pick a completely random street in a random state and I dropped the marker on the intersection and it pops up. There is a giant billboard right in front of where it popped up and it said "Stop the worry" in big letters and I just sat there for a minute like um what in the world. Out of the whole world I could've typed any random place and that is what pops up? Freaked me out.

02-09-2013, 11:17 PM
That is crazy...I'm not religious. I actually have a girlfriend right now. Lol. So I'm bisexual but there was no way he could tell or anything. I was with my girlfriend but neither of us look gay. I've been in panic mode for an hour because of this and the headband feeling/pressure I've had for 2 months above my right ear. Now I'm scared to even sleep tonight after what that guy said. There were tons of people he walked by. Why would he say that to specifically me?!? Freaking out :/

02-10-2013, 12:45 AM
So what does u being gay have to do with anything.... You think becouse your gay God doesnt care for u?

02-10-2013, 08:17 AM
No I didn't say that...I'm saying I'm not religious and sometimes I'm not sure whether I believe in a higher being or not. It honestly sent me into panic mode and I will be worried about dying for the next few weeks. I'm trying to live life without medication and its not working so far...