View Full Version : Anxiety and skin problems...

02-09-2013, 06:32 PM
I recently read about someone on this forum discovering that they had KP (Keratosis Pilaris) and wondering if that was associated with anxiety - I'm guessing not because I have had it for my entire life and there's not much that can be done about it.

Anyway, I was wondering if anyone else had developed a horrible rash due to anxiety? I'm so used to looking at what my body decides to manifest and thinking 'anxiety' that I just want to make sure that it isn't a normal symptom.

I haven't had too many issues with my anxiety flaring up lately, but this skin thing is getting me down - it's seriously messing with me and the little confidence I have.

It started as an allergic reaction just before New Year - I'm almost certain it was due to a skin product I used. My skin was red, itchy and inflamed - that cleared up after about 2 weeks and then I peeled everywhere - the palms of my hands were the worst.

Since then I have been developing some other kind of rash. It's not itchy, it's angry and purple looking and is either in isolated dots on the pore or larger clusters of the dots. It is now covering 80% of my legs and is slowly creeping up my torso.

I have been to my GP three times now and I got my blood tests back at the last session - they were fine except my RAST showed up a moderate allergy to a whole bunch of things including mites, cats and dogs (I have 2 cats and a dog), various grasses, pollens and also penicillin. I have NEVER been allergic to anything before this year. I have taken penicillin and had no problems and I have had cats and dogs my whole life. I had hay-fever once about five years ago and haven't had it since.

I have just started taking antihistamines to hopefully help - but they make my heart race and dry out my mouth - which leads to heightened panic alert. I also have a referral for a dermatologist, but that's going to be a wait.

This is making me so miserable - it's the height of summer here and I have to keep covered up constantly. And the rash is just getting worse every day :( :(

02-09-2013, 10:47 PM
I feel for you. I often get hives and a few times I've had to go to the er for a shot of benedryl. Never been able to pinpoint the cause my hives though. If you have to cover up at least its winter!...Hope you feel better soon.

02-10-2013, 02:05 AM
Omoplata - it's summer in Australia!!!

I am really looking forward to seeing the dermatologist to see if they have any answers. The only thing that I can think of is because my partner and I moved our mattress into the air conditioned lounge room, so we're sleeping on the floor - maybe that has something to do with it?

Moving the mattress back to the freshly vacuumed bedroom tonight in a bid to clear it up. It just sucks :(

02-10-2013, 10:14 AM
Down under?....you're in paradise!

02-10-2013, 07:32 PM
Sure am! Australia is amazing (I grew up in the UK!). Have a gorgeous house with a pool, we're a bit far from the beach for my liking (45min drive), but it's no good to me because I don't want to further irritate this rash by skimming and I look diseased into bathers!!!

Popped a nice picture of our garden in for you people freezing it out in the snow!