View Full Version : New to the forum, wtf is wrong with me!!!

02-09-2013, 05:53 PM
I hope that finding this forum can help me find some answers.

I am 48, male, 250 lbs, gave up smoking 5 days ago, cold turkey. I have high blood pressure, which is being treated. Think I have acid reflux which may cause anxiety attacks. I am taking Dr. prescribed prilosec. I am taking 100 mg Toporol for BP and 10mg lisonopril.

Here is my history, I hope it doesn't bore anyone, and I really hope it can help me and maybe others. Will help me, if I have nothing serious.

About 3 years ago my Dr. at the time had me on atenolol for BP. My thyroid was a little low, so he put me on levothyroxicine. Shortly after starting the levo, I had palpitations, felt like I was going over a roller coaster, would feel pressure in my head and my blood pressure would shoot up. I went to the ER on several occasions, each time I would get a clean bill of health. No heart attack. Went to my DR. he took me off the levo. Problem seem to go away. He also put me through a thorough heart exam. Event monitor, nuclear dye treadmill. Everything checked ok. Went back for a follow up, he put be back on Levo. started having the palps, flushing, chest pain, again. I just made do. Then 2 years ago, I had a SVT. Heart rate at 260 bpm. Went to ER, thought I was dying. They got it under control. Went to Cardiologist, he performed an ablation. Have not had the racing heart since then.

Now bring you up to recently.

Had an episode about 5 months ago, where I felt faint, confused, scared, light headed. Went to the ER. When I was there, I felt so cold, I was shaking uncontrollably. I was carried into the back and placed on a gurney. Vitals were taken, but nothing else was done. The Dr. thought I had acid reflux that set on a panic attack.

I went to see my new Doctor. He put me back on Levo, changed my BP medicine to Toprol XL and wrote a prescription for the prilosec. Everything was fine for about a 4 months. I had an occular migraine. Seen my Dr and he gave me some shots.

Just about 10 days ago, I was sitting here at home when I could feel my blood pressure rising. It rose to 182/112. Went to the ER. EKG was fine and BP came back down. The next day I followed up with my DR. he told me to stop the Levo, and double my Toprol. Well all was good for about 6 days. Then at work, my BP started going up. 150/90, 163/95, 173/105. I called my DR, he told me to take an extro Toprol and he was calling in a lisonipril script. I ended up going to the ER. I felt dizze, my brain felt like it was moving inside my head. I just knew that at any moment I was going to pass out. They had to give me a shot of morphine for my BP to come down. I now have an appointment with a Cardio for a evaluation.

As I sit here an write this, I feel light headed. I have some discomfort in my chest, almost like a small burn. I feel like I could burp. My BP is 136/83. I also have a ringing in my ears that will not stop.

I guess I am looking for an answer, is anxiety making my BP go up? Does it also cause gas, and gas pains in the chest? I know that when I see the Cardio Dr, monday, I can have some fears put aside. But what do I do until then.

02-09-2013, 08:26 PM
I don't know about bp, but when I get an anxiety attack I burp a lot and it makes my stomach acid go crazy. Hope you get some answers tomorrow.

02-09-2013, 09:12 PM
Hi it's all anxiety related!! Classic symptoms your having. By all means get checked out again but I think you will have the same answers. Take care. Beverley :-)

02-10-2013, 03:33 AM
Hey partsman I read your story and yes anxiety does put your BP up I have experienced it recently in fact cause I never had that with an anxiety attack (or I never noticed) but I was at my GP while having a bad anxiety attack and I felt my face burn up and my ears red and when he checked my BP it was high but not extremely high he said that's normal during an anciety attack. In fact after the attack you should get really cold and shaky cause the BP shoots down again - we are making our body go crazy my doctor says. And to add to it I am a person who always had low BP! Anyway I'm fed up too and sometimes I lose control and that's when I get the worst anxiety attacks. Take Care and try to live peaceful!

02-10-2013, 07:51 AM
It does sound like anxiety to me. Alankay

02-10-2013, 02:42 PM
I hope that finding this forum can help me find some answers.

I am 48, male, 250 lbs, gave up smoking 5 days ago, cold turkey. I have high blood pressure, which is being treated. Think I have acid reflux which may cause anxiety attacks. I am taking Dr. prescribed prilosec. I am taking 100 mg Toporol for BP and 10mg lisonopril.

Here is my history, I hope it doesn't bore anyone, and I really hope it can help me and maybe others. Will help me, if I have nothing serious.

About 3 years ago my Dr. at the time had me on atenolol for BP. My thyroid was a little low, so he put me on levothyroxicine. Shortly after starting the levo, I had palpitations, felt like I was going over a roller coaster, would feel pressure in my head and my blood pressure would shoot up. I went to the ER on several occasions, each time I would get a clean bill of health. No heart attack. Went to my DR. he took me off the levo. Problem seem to go away. He also put me through a thorough heart exam. Event monitor, nuclear dye treadmill. Everything checked ok. Went back for a follow up, he put be back on Levo. started having the palps, flushing, chest pain, again. I just made do. Then 2 years ago, I had a SVT. Heart rate at 260 bpm. Went to ER, thought I was dying. They got it under control. Went to Cardiologist, he performed an ablation. Have not had the racing heart since then.

Now bring you up to recently.

Had an episode about 5 months ago, where I felt faint, confused, scared, light headed. Went to the ER. When I was there, I felt so cold, I was shaking uncontrollably. I was carried into the back and placed on a gurney. Vitals were taken, but nothing else was done. The Dr. thought I had acid reflux that set on a panic attack.

I went to see my new Doctor. He put me back on Levo, changed my BP medicine to Toprol XL and wrote a prescription for the prilosec. Everything was fine for about a 4 months. I had an occular migraine. Seen my Dr and he gave me some shots.

Just about 10 days ago, I was sitting here at home when I could feel my blood pressure rising. It rose to 182/112. Went to the ER. EKG was fine and BP came back down. The next day I followed up with my DR. he told me to stop the Levo, and double my Toprol. Well all was good for about 6 days. Then at work, my BP started going up. 150/90, 163/95, 173/105. I called my DR, he told me to take an extro Toprol and he was calling in a lisonipril script. I ended up going to the ER. I felt dizze, my brain felt like it was moving inside my head. I just knew that at any moment I was going to pass out. They had to give me a shot of morphine for my BP to come down. I now have an appointment with a Cardio for a evaluation.

As I sit here an write this, I feel light headed. I have some discomfort in my chest, almost like a small burn. I feel like I could burp. My BP is 136/83. I also have a ringing in my ears that will not stop.

I guess I am looking for an answer, is anxiety making my BP go up? Does it also cause gas, and gas pains in the chest? I know that when I see the Cardio Dr, monday, I can have some fears put aside. But what do I do until then.

Sounds like anxiety to me your bp will go up when you are anxious it will cause acid in ur stomach and if ur getting racing heart while on levo they might be a bit to strong for you x

02-12-2013, 01:06 AM
Hiya just read your thread,poor u,i suffered anxiety 10yrs ago and it has gone but its always there in my mind,i still have fears,i am scared of dying so if ever am ill i get anxious feelings,i am always scared when my heart goes fast and i read you went into svt well i dont know how u coped you done well,i got diagnosed with under active thyroid and i am on levothyroxine,i get palps but they say there is no evidence the tablets give you palps,i have had tests on my heart seen cardiologists and all my tests come back fine,oh i did get diagnosed yrs ago with ectopic heartbeats,doctors dont want to know i think when u have anxiety.

02-13-2013, 06:30 PM
I have always been amazed at what anxiety can do to us. It has the ability to mimic just about everything that could go wrong in our bodies. Our weakness being, that we are always mentally checking every sensation and feelings that we are experiencing, which is technically not what normal people do. But we are not normal. We have heightened nerve endings that set us apart from everyone else...a gift as well as a curse. I would recommend you exercise, as it seems to help a lot. One thing we have to learn to begin the healing process is to stop worrying about what we are feeling. If we were really dying, I figure we would be dead by now. Truth is, when something is really wrong in the body, its not just a feeling. It will be more severe and more pronounced. Your mind is powerful. if you see your pressure going up, it will. I think learning to reverse our thoughts will help a lot...but until then...