View Full Version : Fear of hurting someone?

02-09-2013, 12:34 PM
Lately when I have time to think I get this fear of one day losing it and hurting someone. In the city I live in lately there was a few crazy murders and things of that sort and every team I hear about one it just makes me wonder what could have possessed someone to act that way. The other day I got into a little bit of an arguement with someone who was really rude to me at work and when I got angry I couldn't stop thinking about the situation til I left work. This kind of threw my thoughts in a whirl wondering what would of happened if I had lost it, and the last thing I'd ever want to do is hurt someone. I've had my share of moments before just as anyone does but I definately wouldn't say I'm a very violent person in any way. Can anyone relate or share some advice? :( I'm just praying this is all anxiety and not a serious problem.

02-10-2013, 07:30 AM
Hi Cec,

This is part of an anxiety disorder, often related to OCD. There have been many posts on this forum, similar to this. I'm sure if you did a search, you will find so many useful posts from past members who have suffered and found cure.

I was one of those members too. I became so scared of my capability to hurt someone, I begun locking myself away, and tried to get myself sectioned... Funny looking back, terrifying at the time.

The truth is, it is only anxiety, and no matter how strong, or how real these thoughts/urges/feelings feel, they are all anxiety. The less you involve yourself with them, the quicker they will go, but this will take time. Try to avoid triggers for the moment, things like horror movies, or the news. Don't give anxiety anything to pick up on. It's a creative condition, and will use anything it's given.

A google search of 'Pure O' 'Harm OCD' or 'HOCD' will usually bring up hundreds of posts similar to yours, and you will be able to read their cures.

A small clue... when any thought begins with the phrase "What would happen if...' there's a hundred to one on shot it's anxiety

Take care :)

02-10-2013, 03:24 PM
Hi Cec,

This is part of an anxiety disorder, often related to OCD. There have been many posts on this forum, similar to this. I'm sure if you did a search, you will find so many useful posts from past members who have suffered and found cure.

I was one of those members too. I became so scared of my capability to hurt someone, I begun locking myself away, and tried to get myself sectioned... Funny looking back, terrifying at the time.

The truth is, it is only anxiety, and no matter how strong, or how real these thoughts/urges/feelings feel, they are all anxiety. The less you involve yourself with them, the quicker they will go, but this will take time. Try to avoid triggers for the moment, things like horror movies, or the news. Don't give anxiety anything to pick up on. It's a creative condition, and will use anything it's given.

A google search of 'Pure O' 'Harm OCD' or 'HOCD' will usually bring up hundreds of posts similar to yours, and you will be able to read their cures.

A small clue... when any thought begins with the phrase "What would happen if...' there's a hundred to one on shot it's anxiety

Take care :)

Thank you so much, people like yourself are the reason I continue to use this forum

02-10-2013, 03:41 PM
Yep, common with even non-anxious folk. Just another worry. Doesn't mean it will ever happen at all. Alankay

02-10-2013, 03:47 PM
Lately when I have time to think I get this fear of one day losing it and hurting someone. In the city I live in lately there was a few crazy murders and things of that sort and every team I hear about one it just makes me wonder what could have possessed someone to act that way. The other day I got into a little bit of an arguement with someone who was really rude to me at work and when I got angry I couldn't stop thinking about the situation til I left work. This kind of threw my thoughts in a whirl wondering what would of happened if I had lost it, and the last thing I'd ever want to do is hurt someone. I've had my share of moments before just as anyone does but I definately wouldn't say I'm a very violent person in any way. Can anyone relate or share some advice? :( I'm just praying this is all anxiety and not a serious problem.

It's definitely anxiety cause I felt that way also, it's the anxiety that makes you think like that I've had violent thoughts but I know I wouldn't act on them. It's scary but ya it's anxiety.