View Full Version : Fear, tremors, jerks

06-12-2007, 03:29 PM
Hello eveyone. I have severe anxiety and depression. I am seeing a psych for both. But this past week, my anxiety has taken a turn for the worse. I am jerking again at night, i feel like my whole body is constantly "buzzing" or "shaking inside'. I try to relax and i can feel my muscles twitch. But the worse part is the feeling of trembling/or maybe the best word is "vibration" inside all over.
Does anyone else have this...It keeps me in fear. I catch myself holding my breath. Im nervous so I stutter my speech when i talk. My body tenses up. I dont have any pain....just constant tension and shakes.
Please help

06-17-2007, 05:18 PM
Izofdestiny, it sounds like your body's got a lot of adrenaline running through it. No need to worry, because this cannot kill you. It's just your body's way of responding to stress.

You don't need to fear these sensations at all. Just relax, and tell yourself that it's just a physical reaction- you are in no danger.

This is very common in people with anxiety. Your adrenal glands are working hard to keep you in an alert state, and an overproduction of adrenaline like this will keep you tense, jittery, and fearful.

I'm very much familiar with these sensations. The best thing I've done is to take them as they come, and not to get worked up about them. Once you've identified to yourself that you are in no danger, these bodily reactions should calm down eventually. Hang in there! :)