View Full Version : To Try Again ?

02-09-2013, 09:02 AM
I've suffered with anxiety for around 8 years. After almost 2 years of becoming semi reclusive, avoiding everything and anything I became my own therapist (figuratively speaking) and realised I couldn't go my entire life avoiding shops, avoiding the outdoors, avoiding driving etc etc. So I got outside help and went to see a therapist who I believe did cognitive therapy.

With my mindset change and the therapy I spent the next few years with my control back, the anxiety still there in a small way but I had a baton to hit it with I guess.

Anyway fast forward to the last year or two, I've moved home lots from all over the UK to France, back to the UK and am now in the motions of getting a visa to train out in the US (very exciting)... with all this going on my anxiety seems to be well, slapping me in the face, I noticed in the past few weeks I've been avoiding going out again so rather than let this thing get the better of me I want to get it now.

Here's where my question comes in: Has anyone been back for cognitive therapy a second time ? Does it work again ? I wonder because the first time it was all new, a new tool, but if I already know what they're going to say then I wonder if I may just ignore it subconsciously ? Are there any cd's that work ? or is part of the therapy having a physical person tell you it's OK ?

Any advice, tips, stories etc... I'd love to hear your views xx

02-09-2013, 11:51 AM
Are you on any meds?

02-09-2013, 11:56 AM
Are you on any meds?

None at all. Won't consider them either :)

02-09-2013, 12:05 PM
None at all. Won't consider them either :)

Well it seems like your anxiety isn't that bad that you would need any meds, I've never done CBT but I am on meds. I wish I never had to take any meds but my anxiety/depression was just so overwhelming. Good luck on finding your answers.