View Full Version : Hunger pains??!

02-08-2013, 03:12 PM
Does anyone else get hunger pains - like the gurgling your stomach does when you're starving but you've just eaten? I've just had a massive 3 course meal with wine and my stomach is doing this and has been most days for the past two weeks. I don't know whether its acidity in the wine for example that's causing it or whether its anxiety...

02-08-2013, 03:33 PM
Does anyone else get hunger pains - like the gurgling your stomach does when you're starving but you've just eaten? I've just had a massive 3 course meal with wine and my stomach is doing this and has been most days for the past two weeks. I don't know whether its acidity in the wine for example that's causing it or whether its anxiety...

Yes! I don't know if mine is for the same reasons or what, but I definitely get that. I'm naturally thin and actually underweight according to BMI. I can eat all I want of a full course meal and in no time I am starving. Every single doc says my metabolism is really high and I have had multiple thyroid tests. My parents are both thin too so I figure I might as well get used to it. If I actually don't eat because I'm busy all day it's terrible. My stomach hurts, actually feel it through to my back it seems like. My chest feels like it hurts from gurgles and I get so weak.