View Full Version : Little bit lost, little bit lonely!

02-08-2013, 10:10 AM
Hi there,

I just wondered if anybody else had anything similar to me? I don't really get the physical effects of anxiety (often) such as hyperventilating etc. mine are more in my mind, like a constant weird feeling... and what's frustrating is that I cannot really explain that feeling to anyone, just that.. I feel like I've been taken over! I don't enjoy anything that I used to, I feel really scared for no apparent reason, the world just seems dark.. my perspective on everything is gloomy! Feel lonely... but the thought of doing anything, doesn't entice me either, and I'm afraid that nothing can pull me outta this.
My only hope is that I've had it for almost 6 years now and thought I got rid of it a couple years back, seemed almost free of it for just over a year and BAM! It came straight back to me, just like that! Right now it's probably the worst it's been... but I have no clue as to why I have this, I have a good life, so to speak... nothing major going on! So I don't even know if this is anxiety or something else!!
When I try to occupy myself, such as designing, or doing anything to take my mind off of it... nothing appears to work, I have that constant scared/dark/lonely feeling!
Oh man, if anyone else can relate to this in anyway I'd be glad to hear from you!

Thank you and God bless!

02-10-2013, 07:21 AM
I know what you mean! I always want to tell people about my problems but I can never put it into words. It's like my mind is under this dark rainy cloud and I can't get out of it. Anxiety can affect anybody, even those who live calm and happy lives. I suggest taking a day of the week where you treat yourself. Whether it be a warm bath or perhaps have a friend or two to come visit you, this can take the loneliness away and give you an instant mood boost! Think back to the time when you felt free from the anxiety. What did you do to make yourself happy? Try and do that now and see if it helps, hope things go well for you!