View Full Version : 3:46am

02-08-2013, 04:52 AM
Almost 4 in the morning...most people would be asleep...but what am I doing? I'm up panicking about anything there is to panic about. Listening to every sound happening around me. Just totally nervous. Being nervous is something that never leaves me. Every waking moment I'm awake...it's there. Only thing that puts me to sleep are sleeping pills...but then I don't wake up until sometimes 3pm..it's a very lonely cycle.

02-08-2013, 05:09 AM
Have you tried any of the apps for the smart phone? There are some nice relaxation and anxiety meditation apps for free. Whenever I have trouble sleeping or feel anxious I listen to these apps. They are a godsend! All of us here feel your pain. Stay with it....things will get better!

02-08-2013, 05:37 AM
I agree....there are some awesome meditation apps that play very soothing sounds, like a running brook, waves at the beach, the sound of rain....etc....
Also, they have those same sound recordings on You Tube that run continuously, some for 30 minutes some for an hour or more. At least you can listen to those sounds until you fall asleep.

02-08-2013, 05:45 AM
It's a nice thought but I have never been the type of person who could relax with recordings of sounds. I have tried a few of the free sleeping apps and even purchased a few..it kept me awake longer more so than anything. I took a sleeping pill an hour ago so I'm hoping it'll take effect before the sun comes up. Thank you for the thoughtful replies :)

02-08-2013, 08:59 AM
I cant tolerate the nature sounds too much myself. But the hypnosis/meditations guided by an actual person provided me some relief. Listened to consistently over a period of time seemed to work well. Good luck!