View Full Version : Anxiety vs Relationships

02-08-2013, 03:54 AM

I am new here and my name is Jess. I have suffered from anxiety since I was 12 years old and I thought maybe if I met more people similar to me I would find the hard days a little easier. My boyfriend just split up with me, we were in a 2 year relationship, he lived in Ayr (100 miles away) and me in Fife. We saw each other a lot but in the end he said he had fallen out of love and I am really finding it hard. I find a lot of things hard, concentrating, social interactions...but perhaps I can make some nice friends here and we can learn a lot from each other. I recently got given a psychologist fortnightly and so far I have only had one session...seems to help a wee bit; but not looking forward to Monday for the teary experience...when asked "How are you feeling?"

Don't you just hate that question?

"How are you?"

Prompts me to explain my whole life.

Love and Hope

Jess x

02-08-2013, 03:15 PM
Oh Jess. I know what you mean. I feel like a broken record sometimes it's dosent help

02-27-2013, 07:42 AM
Sorry to hear u broke up but when ppl asked howvam I I say fine in order not to explain how im really feeling cause I find some ppl just say things to make matters worst and that will piss me off so don't feel u need to explain when asked just say ok unless it's someone who really cared. Good luck.

02-27-2013, 10:36 PM

I am new here and my name is Jess. I have suffered from anxiety since I was 12 years old and I thought maybe if I met more people similar to me I would find the hard days a little easier. My boyfriend just split up with me, we were in a 2 year relationship, he lived in Ayr (100 miles away) and me in Fife. We saw each other a lot but in the end he said he had fallen out of love and I am really finding it hard. I find a lot of things hard, concentrating, social interactions...but perhaps I can make some nice friends here and we can learn a lot from each other. I recently got given a psychologist fortnightly and so far I have only had one session...seems to help a wee bit; but not looking forward to Monday for the teary experience...when asked "How are you feeling?"

Don't you just hate that question?

"How are you?"

Prompts me to explain my whole life.

Love and Hope

Jess x

Hi Jess very sorry your going through such a hard time. I can relate to having panic attacks from a young age. I was also 12 when I had my first one and am now 45yrs and they get worse as the yrs go on?? Mine has turned into social phobia,agrophobia and also cant eat in front of anyone which is very hard also! Anyway if you ever nerd to talk pm me ok. Take care. Beverley xx

02-28-2013, 01:45 PM
Sorry to hear u broke up but when ppl asked howvam I I say fine in order not to explain how im really feeling cause I find some ppl just say things to make matters worst and that will piss me off so don't feel u need to explain when asked just say ok unless it's someone who really cared. Good luck.

Thanks for your support everyone, things have got a little better over the weeks, just hitting the gym ALL THE TIME! helps increase positive thinking and I feel better about myself! Got a date next saturday too! so things are looking up, just panicking all about it. It becomes the be all and end all, nothing seems to matter....I hate that! You want to focus on things but this one event of anxiety is eating up you think space!

How are you all anyway? :)

I'd love to hear your stories

Jess xxx