View Full Version : Feeling so isolated!

02-07-2013, 08:07 PM
This is what I hate about anxiety. That feeling of complete and utter isolation. Regardless of how many times I hear "I'm here for you mate if you wanna talk" or "Aw try not to worry", it just reinforces how far away people are from understanding what anxiety does to a person. First panic attack ever, that flustered feeling, looking around me on a busy train, my heart pounding, feeling as though I was losing control, I had to escape, I had to run away, I'm losing my mind. Ever since that day anxiety has been a close, although evil presence in my life. Where I go and what I do is determined by it. Still to build up the courage of getting on trains and most public transport without a vodka down my neck (don't worry, I'm a student nurse fully aware of how using alcohol to help your problems is not a solution). I just hate the feeling of having no control. Feeling as though I'm actually losing my mind and having my irrational brain overtake my rational side. Suppose it's just difficult embracing support from people who don't understand the disorder... how can I believe there's hope when I haven't SEEN anyone who has it, beating it? I've signed up to this to hopefully meet friendly people with problems similar to mine who can offer support, some light in the darkness.

02-07-2013, 08:15 PM
You are NOT alone, darlin'. I'm only now just realizing how common the experiences of people with anxiety/panic/depression really are. Sure, we each have a unique pathology. But the things I read on this forum tell me that there are lots of people who have had/are having strikingly similar experiences as me. I'm really comforted by that discovery. I hope you can take some comfort in it too :)

Just hang on. Just hang on. Just hang on.

02-07-2013, 08:19 PM
You're so sweet thank you! Even your reaction to what I've written makes me feel sane, now if I said that to someone who didn't suffer from anxiety /depression, they'd give me that typical glazed over look like "yeahhhhh, yeah I know what you mean" (NOT). Do you mind me asking what you suffer from and how severe? Thank you for your kindness!

02-07-2013, 08:36 PM
My goodness how true.

People who don't understand, don't know what to say. I've had the same " I'm always here for you" " it's ok, I'll get better" the worst I've had is " just keep going".

Pfft, what ever. You don't know unless you have or are experiencing it.

I've pushed all my friend away. They say they are always there and can come Round when ever. Hello, I have anxiety issues and I never leave my house, if you care do much why dong you come see me. Although most times I don't want to see anybody at all, yet I feel so lonely.

02-07-2013, 09:07 PM
It is so hard, people really don't get it. I know you guys do but most people don't. My friends say what's the big deal, suck it up. I have stopped seeing some friends as much because I don't like going out places as much as I used to. They just think I'm closed off, which might be true but I don't want to be that way. I don't wish it on anyone but I wish they could have just one panic attack to see hat I deal with on a daily basis. I read somewhere that about 25 percent of people have a panic attack in their life. Well I have probably had 30 and I feel like I fight them off weekly. I don't want to be the person that blames fate or whatever but its not fair. I know everyone has their issues but why can't mine be high blood pressure or something that isn't so debilitating. Sorry had to vent

02-07-2013, 09:15 PM
From what I have been told by my beautiful god mother ' friends back away because the are scared of the unknown'.

It made me think. My friends are backing away because they don't understand. So they " leave me too it" I wish they wouldn't. Can't they just act normal or be a bit more understanding

02-07-2013, 11:28 PM
Feeling as though I'm actually losing my mind and having my irrational brain overtake my rational side.

This quote really strikes home with me, and describes how I have felt for awhile. I feel like I am a smart person. I know when I am getting anxious (and unjustly so), but that doesn't have any impact on the anxious feelings. I can't "outsmart them" with my rational brain. At least I haven't been able to to date. Thanks for posting.