View Full Version : Morning Anxiety - What's your AM ritual?

02-07-2013, 07:27 PM
It never fails. As I'm waking up, I feel myself getting jittery. I start to sweat. And then once I'm fully awake, the onslaught of anxious thoughts begins. For hours sometimes, I'm frozen. Mentally paralyzed. I have to talk myself through everything. "Now I'm going to brush my teeth." "Now I'm going to take a shower."

My anxiety is ALWAYS at it's worst in the morning. Do you guys have similar issues? If so, how do you get through them so that you can start your day?


02-07-2013, 07:29 PM
I do that, I lay in my bed and I have to mentally prepare my brain before I get out of bed. Tell my self what I shave to do, otherwise I just stand there thinking of god knows what.

02-07-2013, 08:15 PM
I instantly, as soon as I wake up, think aw maybe I won't think those obsessive anxious thoughts today and BOOM, I think them... then I'm automatically negative for the day because I've started the day on anxious thoughts, but regardless if I wake up thinking anxious thoughts, or wake up having a blank mind then go "aw great no anxious or negative thoughts of yet" and BOOM I do, I need to change my attitude toward the reality that those thoughts are going to be there regardless, it's how I deal with them and perceive them each day that will make the difference. I tend to look at the day ahead such as OK go to Uni then come home and sleep, when really we should be thinking in the moment, taking our time. I worry about depending too heavily on others and often have found myself at the start of the day worry how peoples' moods will affect my own when essentially - they shouldn't. I'm going to try starting my day differently, accepting that thoughts and anxious worries will be there regardless but changing how I DEAL with them, training my mind into dealing with them rationally and comfortably, so the rest of my day is relaxed and I can take it at ease, rather than waking up and going on anxious autopilot, letting it control the activities of my day.

02-07-2013, 09:43 PM
Same here, I actuay feel more relaxed at night Excpet tonight I can't relax keep thinking im doomed :(

02-07-2013, 10:03 PM
It never fails. As I'm waking up, I feel myself getting jittery. I start to sweat. And then once I'm fully awake, the onslaught of anxious thoughts begins. For hours sometimes, I'm frozen. Mentally paralyzed. I have to talk myself through everything. "Now I'm going to brush my teeth." "Now I'm going to take a shower."

My anxiety is ALWAYS at it's worst in the morning. Do you guys have similar issues? If so, how do you get through them so that you can start your day?


Damn you just described me word for word bro! The mornings are the worst for me, it's like as soon as I open my eyes I feel on edge. This is why I work for myself I wouldn't be able to hold a regular schedule otherwise. Night time is when I'm less anxious. Why the hell is that? It's some bull shit!

02-07-2013, 10:09 PM
Because your brain is exhausted of the workout it received all day. Not to mention the worry you had all day has probably passed or eased up and you realized you made it through another day

02-07-2013, 10:20 PM
Because your brain is exhausted of the workout it received all day. Not to mention the worry you had all day has probably passed or eased up and you realized you made it through another day

Dude that makes a lot of sense! But their is a lot of people in this forum that are most anxious at night.

02-07-2013, 11:25 PM
My issue is my phone. I have to turn off my alarm and immediately see how many emails I have waiting for me. Is it 1? 2? 12? What is waiting for me? I read them in the shower. I read them while getting dressed. My heart is pounding the whole time, and I am worried my phone will vibrate as I am on my way into work. I need a morning ritual to "center" myself.

I agree that my anxiety is terrible in the morning. As I get to work and deal with the issues of the day it subsides...but as I am going back to bed I am again wholly anxious.