View Full Version : Anxiety :'(

02-07-2013, 03:37 PM
I'm so tired of this anxiety. I've had it for about 4 years now, but it's gotten so much worse within the past year. I literately have shortness or breath 24/7!!! It never goes away even when I'm sleeping..sometimes I wake up out of my sleep because I can't breathe. It's so scary and frustrating. I always feel sick like I have to throw up and I get constant head aches, sweaty hands, the chills, dizziness, ect. I'm not on any medication because I don't have insurance but I hope to be soon!

02-08-2013, 07:20 PM
You should research natural supplements that are suppose to help with anxiety, there are a few I believe. Hopefully it can get you through. Also, you can go to your local health department if you don't have insurance and be treated

02-08-2013, 07:58 PM
Thank you! I'll try that

02-09-2013, 09:22 AM
I am tired of this too it is frustrating no one seems to understand not even psychiatrists who are supposed to understand! Lately my anxiety has gone worse I am getting numbness in my hands and feet now and ringing in ears I also have extreme neck stiffness and headaches which could be due to straining the muscles too much. I have tried Sertraline SSRi but didn't go so well so I deciding not to take any medicine. Hope you feel better!

02-12-2013, 02:18 AM
Hiya everybody,i started with anxiety yrs ago and it was 24/7 i didnt try drugs which looking back am glad dont get me wrong they work for most people,its true if u focus on 1 thing like u cant breath or your feet and hands are numb ect.. you blow everything out of proportion,mine was my heart going fast and i still get it fixated on my heart,well i have been there and come out of it fine so if u need to chat am here x