View Full Version : Health

02-07-2013, 12:12 PM
I've been suffering from health anxiety but I've managed to calmeed down a lot until yesterday when I was on the toilet (sorry this is about graphic) so I finished and thought IDE check my stool I looked and some of it looked flat like and the feast was normal this made me FREAK googling all sorts I think I do suffer from iBS as well as anxiety does anyone no if these to can make this happen please

02-07-2013, 02:33 PM
I stopped reading at 'Googling'!

Your story starts pretty normally, I'm sure many people keep an aspect on all sorts of their life, including digestive health, no issue there.

For one month, set yourself a challenge... Worry about anything you want, you have permission.. Just don't google. Under any circumstance. Even if you're choking on a peanut, and you've typed 'how to save yourself from choking...' Don't press Search.

Why does this matter? Cos Google is crack cocaine, mixed with heroine, mixed with Belgian chocolate for the anxiety sufferer's brain. It just cannot get enough, and it will make it hyperactive. A drug addict usually makes up all sorts of crazy excuses to get their fix. Our anxiety brain does the same. We'll create any sort of worry. I bit my finger nail a little too short, I googled it, I read it could be a sign of zinc deficiency, fine I thought, I'll take supplements... Only... Zinc deficient can be a sign of Leukaemia,unlikely I thought - but... I had been having awful headaches lately... and I do look awfully pale.... You guessed it, I had Luekemia anxiety for a few weeks... Finally got my tests, got over it.... and BAMN... Herpe's anxiety came in. I was a virgin at the time... but that spot I had on my lip (caused my bad diet and stress) looked awfully suspicious, and I was having a stomach ache, afterall...

You won't get over your health anxiety while you google... That is almost a fact. The person that does is as rare as a blue diamond, or finding $100,000 in a suitcase in the forest. Everyone has read about it, but no one has met someone who had it happen to them.

I don't want to dignify your question with a response, not because I don't respect your health - because I do... But because the more reassurance and attention this behaviour gets, the more it will be validated...

This is coming from an ex-health anxiety sufferer. This will make a big difference to your condition. No Google!

Be well! :)

02-21-2013, 03:38 PM
Jessed03 took the words right out of my mouth, don't google things!!

My doctor reckons I have general anxiety disorder. I don't think I'm depressed. But my anxiety is health related, this leading to the fear of dying or maybe it's just a combination of the two rather than feeling one because of the other... I don't know?!

Any way the point of my comment is I was always googling this that and the other and like jessed03 said it just leads on to the next symptom so to speak. It's a vicious circle. I've cut it out the last few weeks and have felt a million times better. Today I've had two google attempts, probably why I've popped back up on here.

I find it really difficult at times because I think ' yeah stop being daft it's just my anxiety' which then the little niggling voice in my head goes 'ah but Chelsea is it or is it something more serious? An early warning sign?' Ugh then that's it. As you can tell its slightly taking over my brain again! Although I'm at a heads up as I know and I'm gonna try and stop it before it takes a grip on me again

02-21-2013, 03:58 PM
This thread rocks. Concise, to the point. I LOVE how chelsea tells us what her brain thinks. Don't we all have those thoughts? "I'm sure it's nothing...or is it nothing? Maybe it's something more serious?". C'mon now! Instead of googling your symptoms, look at what you have in common with the anxiety sufferers! Theres your answer! Thought of illness comes because you saw a spot on your skin, or felt a pain in your chest, or whatever symptom. After the thought comes worry...and so on. It's what we decide to do with that initial thought that will save us. Again, this thread ROCKS!


02-21-2013, 04:36 PM
This thread does rock haha good man but the hint is I have so many "symtoms" witch my docs says is anxiety and ibs related but bloody hell I'm sittin there think how e he'll is this related to this then up pops bloody google who decides they want to tell me why it is? Probly not the best doctor in the world by all account lol it's just alot to take in and accept that anxiety causes alot of symtoms like ibs for n stance (in my case) I just couldn't understand why stress,anxiety,worry could bring that on still don't to be quite fair! Thanks for your thought people much apprieated

02-21-2013, 05:27 PM

I call what you're describing as "nervous poops". Of course anxiety causes your bowel movements to be all crazy. It happens to me especially when I am most anxious! Seriously, stop paying so much attention to your "crap". If it ain't black, it ain't whack. Next time you take a poo, wipe and flush...and keep doing that. Seriously. Hang in there man. You be the master of your own anxiety. :)

amy regulski
02-21-2013, 06:30 PM
This thread does rock haha good man but the hint is I have so many "symtoms" witch my docs says is anxiety and ibs related but bloody hell I'm sittin there think how e he'll is this related to this then up pops bloody google who decides they want to tell me why it is? Probly not the best doctor in the world by all account lol it's just alot to take in and accept that anxiety causes alot of symtoms like ibs for n stance (in my case) I just couldn't understand why stress,anxiety,worry could bring that on still don't to be quite fair! Thanks for your thought people much apprieated

I am exactly like you Josh, you have no reason to worry or think there is something wrong with you
Much love
Amy xx

02-21-2013, 06:57 PM
I agree with Def. I have bowel symptoms all the time with my anxiety. Did your Dr ever tell you that anxiety is a trigger for IBS? The symptoms we experience during our panic are real and they do effect our digestive health at times. the trick is to not panic in the first place (I know, I know, easier said than done, believe me I know)

02-22-2013, 01:08 AM
Yeah you are alll right but jesus it just make sense as to why? I feel weak all the time nausea all the time no appetite sucks big time!

02-22-2013, 07:55 AM
Because your body is on adrenaline overload. That's why you feel nauseous, weak, tired. Once you break THIS cycle of anxiety, you will see that you don't always feel this way. And once the thoughts or symptoms come back, because they will, you have to be in control. Again, it's what you do with that initial thought, or symptom, that will save you. And trust me, I know how difficult that is. Just on Tuesday, I was having this intermittent chest pain, and yesterday a pain in my head. Did I get anxious that something terrible was going to happen to me? Yes. But when that initial anxious thought came, I reminded myself of a few things. One, I've been checked by my cardiologist, and told I have a healthy heart. Two, I've been uptight lately, and it's most likely causing this headache. Three, I've been really anxious this last week, and anxiety fuels all sorts of symptoms. It's when we can let go of those symptoms and stop obsessing over them, that they magically go away. Now, take a breather. Stop worrying, and live!

02-22-2013, 08:06 AM
Im new to anxiety you see soes anxiety effect you wvery minute of the day 7 days a week always the same symtoms over again ?

02-22-2013, 08:11 AM
Josh. You've gotta read and take in what I said. You're obsessing right now. Just stop and breathe. You're letting your thoughts and worries race and take over. Yes it'll be 24/7 until you can let go.

02-22-2013, 09:09 AM
You are right I am letting my thoughts take over so hard to control when your convinced something isn't right :(

02-22-2013, 11:10 AM
You are right I am letting my thoughts take over so hard to control when your convinced something isn't right :(

You'll get there Joshhi! It's really hard at first, but the more you learn not to give in to it, and accept the symptoms, the better you will feel. When I had health anxiety, I wouldn't look at anything health wise, locked my blood sugar monitor in the cupboard, cut all googling, didn't watch any health shows etc... I think it improved my condition massively in just a few weeks. I'm sure you know what your triggers are by now.

It's really hard at first, you always have this overwhelming urge to check things, to research or to 'work something out'. It's so unnatural to feel this way, and to have these symptoms, it's ok to be scared by it. In fact, it's ok to be terrified by it!! Like Defmunel said above, it may well be 24 hours a day for you right now, but the more you relax your mind, relax your body, and avoid triggers, the less and less you'll find it bothers you.