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02-07-2013, 10:19 AM
Hey guys& gals,

I just wanted to drop a bit on knowledge on you all. Here are some things that you should be doing.

-Forcing yourself to work through situations that make you uncomfortable i.e. exposure therapy. Try it with your "safe person" first and then alone.

-Take time for you. RELAX. Start with breathing exercises, then move to meditation and then move to Yoga. (yoga is helping me so much)

-Make a rough (and I mean ROUGH) plan for a better life. This will help you really work toward goals that will benefit you for life.

-DO YOUR RESEARCH! Look for info on your potential medications, therapies, and alternative medicine forms. This can make all the diffidence in you and getting a hold of your anxiety.

-EAT SMART, BE SMART! Pay attention to what kind of foods, supplements, and liquids you are putting into your body. Some of these can be really unhealthy for you. Think "What did God put here for us to have naturally?". Chances are if it comes from a garden, it's good food for you.

-Keep a journal, write about your ideal day, how your day actually was and how you WILL make it better!

That's all I have for now folks!

02-07-2013, 09:02 PM
Exercise helps me. My worst symptoms happen in anticipation of something. My brothers wedding is Saturday and I'm freaking out about doing the pictures and being up on the alter while its going on. What if I have a panic attack while the wedding is going on? I can't just walk out its my own brothers wedding. Positive thinking helps but it's so hard when you are used to worrying. I'm just telling myself that it will be about. 15 minute wedding so I just have to tough it out for a short time then the feelin if accomplishment after will be worth the trouble.

02-07-2013, 10:05 PM
Anticipation is the root of anxiety. It's pretty much all anxiety is. Worry is anticipating something bad happening. I can relate to the wedding thing. I'm so glad my anxiety and panic attacks started after my wedding. I don't know if I could of made it through the my own wedding if they did. When I have one I have to immediately get out of whatever situation I'm in and go somewhere else. Don't matter where. If I'm at work I need I leave if I'm at home I need to go outside. Change of scenery always seems to help. It refocuses your brain. Another thing about anxiety at a public place is that you think everyone sees you and knows you are freaking out. Guess what? They don't. Just remember that nobody is there to see you, it's not your wedding. You can always excuse yourself to the bathroom and play off the stomach illness. I know these are cheap outs but I like to think of my outs beforehand and I end up NEVER having to use them. It's relaxing to know I have an exit if I need it. I have even panicked before somewhere and thought if this gets too bad I can just use my exit and that thought alone seems to calm me down.