View Full Version : 1 year anxiety anniversary!

02-07-2013, 10:15 AM
1 year ago, to the day, is when my anxiety started! Started having chest pains and spent a lot of money at the docs to tell me i have anxiety!

It's been a long road. My chest pains left and brought on headaches, dizziness, derealization, arm/leg pain, vision problems, and a little memory loss.

I can feel myself VERY SLOWLY getting better! I used to be spaced out all day and dizzy all day but that went away. I find I'm definitely ignoring most of the body pains and feelings but i still get a little afraid of some of them! One day ill tell myself these symptoms are just anxiety but other days I don't get how these symptoms are anxiety!

Right now I'm dealing with feeling hot all the time and concentrating on my heart a little more followed by sharp pains in my calf an upper leg! I told myself I won't go to the hospital unless I keel over somehow. Most of my symptoms only happen at work!

I've never used any meds besides the 5 days I was on Paxil which was horrible and a bottle of Xanax which does absolutely nothing for me! I want to get some Ativan .5 mg just to get some relief from the symptoms at work but I don't know how to ask for them. I have no insurance so...

Sorry this is long! I hope everyone has a great day! God bless!

02-07-2013, 04:04 PM
Oh and it's my b-day today! Woohoo...

02-07-2013, 11:31 PM
Congrats josh, I am glad you are feeling better...and happy birthday as well.

One question for you. You said you didn't utilize meds in your anxiety management. Can I ask why? Was it a personal decision? And if you didn't utilize meds, what were your techniques. Thanks much for your thoughts, and congrats again.

02-08-2013, 04:08 PM
I didn't take meds because my family didn't want me to. They made me feel as though if I took meds that they would be upset with me! I took Paxil for 5 days and it dealt like hell!

I didn't practice very many techniques, I just keep taking it day by day hoping I'd get over it! I told myself everyday it's just anxiety! I did pick up an anxiety workbook but didn't do much for me! I gave up playing video games as much and started reading! I keep my son in the back of my head thinking I have to be strong for him!

After a year of feeling like crap everyday im finally fed up and I'm going to see a doc and get on some sort of meds for some relief at work!