View Full Version : Does this sound like anxiety? *shortness of breath/ fidgeting*

02-07-2013, 09:31 AM
So I don't really think I have anxiety? But someone said I might have it so I am considering it. I just want some opinions. Well for one thing, this only happens in school/ when I'm doing homework that's like the only time, or SOMETIMES when I'm waiting (like at the doctors or something)

Here are symptoms when I'm DOING homework/ school work:
I feel like I can't breathe? Like I'm in a very small box and have limited oxygen, and my lungs tingle/ feel weird IF I breathe normally so I have to sigh a LOT and if I'm at home and get frustrated with my work, I have a hard time breathing unless if I talk in a really breathy frustrated "fake crying" voice? It's pitchy and breathy and I say stuff like "oh my God I can't do this" And since I'm talking really breathily I can breathe normally. I try to calm down and do other things, and it goes away when I stop doing my work but comes back usually when I continue my work. It happens even when it's easy and I understand? I just feel anxious to get it done.

And when I'm in school (in one specific class we don't have desks, just chairs) and I go absolutely nuts, cause I have a binder and a huge thick book (not a lot of people so I usually put my things in the chair in front of me - I go to a private school so the classes are tiny) and I just have a chair, no desk, so when the teacher asks us to read or is talking or whatever I am CONSTANTLY rocking my chair, I slouch over in front of the chair in front of me, I sigh heavily and I feel bad cause I know it looks immature/ it looks like I don't care about the lesson but if I don't do that I feel like I could cry cause I just can't breathe and can't stay still? Like my lungs tickle/ tingle and my whole body is like anticipating something? And it's so dumb.

So what does this sound like to you? Also I am ALWAYS shaking my leg (like I bounce the tip of my foot up and down rapidly, you know how some people do that?) no matter where I am - school, lunch, home and I am sitting. I usually do it 96% of the time I am sitting in a chair and my feet are touching the ground. If I don't do it I just feel like going crazy? It kind of distracts me and gives me something to do? To focus on? Like something physical for me to do. Even if I don't have a problem breathing/ fidgeting I am nearly always shaking my leg.

What's wrong with me? Is this normal? JUST FYI** this does NOT happen ALL the time, but it happens PRETTY often like 90% I'm doing homework/ school work. And it is affecting my grades, since at home I don't do my work because I get so frustrated if I don't understand and I just can't BREATHE freely even if I DO understand? I just want to get done with it quickly and I write sloppily and I sigh a LOT to get some air into me. I don't have asthma, add or adhd or anything like that. I am not overweight either. I am a high schooler and I am a girl, thanks! This has been happening for a little while not for too long (maybe a couple years)

PS. although this has been here for a little while, it has been worsening. I am going to the doctor next next week for a physical but I will mention this to him as well. But I think he will just tell me it's not a big deal and nothing's wrong with me

02-07-2013, 09:51 AM
It sounds a lot like anxiety

02-07-2013, 12:31 PM
Thanks for replying, I just think it's not because those are my only "symptoms"?