View Full Version : Feeling very hopeless and needing encouragement

02-07-2013, 09:03 AM
I wrote a thread a few days ago that explained what happened to me, but I'll explain it again. Last Wednesday, I woke up as my completely normal, happy self. I went to my college classes that morning, happy as a clam, and had a fine morning. Then I went to lunch with my mom and a friend and I started feeling a bit anxious. No big deal, I mean I do, after all, have anxiety. It happens. I figured getting outside and getting some fresh air would do the trick. And it did help. So I drove back to school to go to my next class, but I was going to be late and I still didn't feel great, so I decided to drive home to rest. Once I got home, things got weird. My house just didn't look like my house and the world felt like it was crashing down around me. I had heart palpitations and felt like I was dying. My mother rushed me to the ER. They calmed me down with a shot of Vistaril and sent me home. I felt calmer, but not myself at all. And basically, I haven't since. I'm preoccupied with this feeling that the world looks weird, and nothing is normal, and I literally can't calm myself or stop thinking about it for 5 seconds. It's like a broken record. I think if I could maybe let it go, it could subside? I don't know. It's been going on for a week and one day now, and so far I've basically felt no better. Life feels like hell. I've had to drop all my college classes and quit my job and I depend on my mom for everything, in the matter of a week. I kind of want to kill myself, but I really just want to feel normal and live again! That's all I want. I've been to the doctor and they gave me Klonopin 0.5mg which makes me a little high but doesn't help make me normal, Metaproplol (not sure how many mg, but taken twice a day) for my blood pressure and heart rate, and have just started me on Celexa 20mg which will hopefully work to end all of this! They also found that I have an overactive thyroid, which I see an endocrinologist for on 2/22. Could that maybe be the cause? Does anyone have any encouragement or hope for me? Will I be normal again? I'm scared. Life sucks like this.

02-07-2013, 10:45 AM
There is hope! Over/under active thyroid are 2 direct causes of anxiety. Do not worry! You will be just fine one day, we all will.

02-07-2013, 10:51 AM
There is hope! Over/under active thyroid are 2 direct causes of anxiety. Do not worry! You will be just fine one day, we all will.

I needed that. I am just so scared. I'm terrified that my life before is over and I'm never going to be back to who I was before this. And it's annoying, because it's almost like "this is all in your head, stop it!" but I can't seem to get a grip on it. I really just want to be myself again! I have a life, job, and boyfriend that I am missing out on!

02-07-2013, 11:01 AM
You can't tell yourself that it is all in your head because it is REAL. It is a real issue that causes real problems. Just hang tight. Maybe my last post will help get you started.

"Hey guys& gals,

I just wanted to drop a bit on knowledge on you all. Here are some things that you should be doing.

-Forcing yourself to work through situations that make you uncomfortable i.e. exposure therapy. Try it with your "safe person" first and then alone.

-Take time for you. RELAX. Start with breathing exercises, then move to meditation and then move to Yoga. (yoga is helping me so much)

-Make a rough (and I mean ROUGH) plan for a better life. This will help you really work toward goals that will benefit you for life.

-DO YOUR RESEARCH! Look for info on your potential medications, therapies, and alternative medicine forms. This can make all the diffidence in you and getting a hold of your anxiety.

-EAT SMART, BE SMART! Pay attention to what kind of foods, supplements, and liquids you are putting into your body. Some of these can be really unhealthy for you. Think "What did God put here for us to have naturally?". Chances are if it comes from a garden, it's good food for you.

-Keep a journal, write about your ideal day, how your day actually was and how you WILL make it better! "

02-07-2013, 11:46 AM
All anxiety related symptoms. One thing to note. An overactive thyroid can cause anxiety and BP problems. I bet once you get on thyroid medicine that most of your problems will ease up. Although anxiety is hard to control. Meds will help but they just mask the symptoms. Alot of good info above about things to do daily. I've been to the ER four times cause I thought each panic attack wasn't a panic attack but a stroke/ heart attack. Wrong every time. Best thing to do is get your tests done to rule out any physical problems and this will ease the anxiety too. And if there are any problems, you can be treated for those and that would ease anxiety too. I have felt alot better after seeing a heart specialist and for him to look at me and tell me I'm fine. My whole anxiety is my health mostly heart health. So hang in there it does get better after you accept your panic attacks and realize they can't hurt you. It's a daily struggle but I have learned how to live with them and shut them down or let them pass through me quickly by not feeding them. It's not 100% yet but it's working.

02-07-2013, 06:39 PM
I'm just ready for this to be over. It hit me out of the blue and it won't leave me. Just a short week ago, I was normal, and now I'm out of my mind it seems. I want to feel alive, and normal again!