View Full Version : Here again....

02-06-2013, 08:41 PM
Well I seen a psychitrist today she seemed to just blow everything off...she prescribed me celexa buspar and trazadone...which of course I'm terrified to take it...I already feel like I'm not in my right mind I don't want to chance it and feel worse :( I guess its depersonlization litterally felt like I wasn't in my body today :s it scared the shit outta me I still don't feel like myself I never get tired I don't feel right at all I'm so scared and terrified I'm going crazy I looked up fear of going insane it made me feel a little better :/ my mind never stops racing even when I wake up I feel like I did when I went to sleep its like I never went to sleep some bitch told me I had psychosis today and tried to get me to buy 500 dollars worth of shit lol that kinda scared me...now I'm thinking what if..its like I don't trust my mind anymore I don't know what's real and what's anxiety I have a really hard time having conversations with ppl its like I'm so wrapped up in the way I feel it sucks sigh pls someone give me some hope :( am I the only one like this? Will I get better? :(

02-06-2013, 08:44 PM
And btw the baby is fine I'm trying my best to keep my shit together for my babies T_____T I'm so scared

02-07-2013, 08:00 AM
I'm telling you....it is most likely worse than normal because on top of your regular anxiety you are probably sleep deprived from getting up with the baby.

Take the meds!!! I take buspar and just stopped taking Zoloft. Buspar is very gentle on the system. If you don't feel comfortable taking all, then at least start with one. You need some relief, and some sleep!!!!!

Will you try it? You have to be willing to help yourself.