View Full Version : Cipralex

06-11-2007, 09:08 AM
Hi! I am new to your forum, looking for a bit of a second opinion to my problem. I am almost 25, and a couple of months back I suffered a pretty bad anxiety attack. Since then, I have been taking Ativan and it seems to work to an extent - I get rushes of nervousness and anxiety especially at nighttime, and I'm at my wits end to say the least. My doctor has prescribed Cipralex, saying it has very few side effects. I am not good with meds, I can't even take Nytol without buzzing out (don't laugh!) - I am perfectly healthy otherwise, am not OCD or have any social phobias. Has anyone taken Cipralex, if so, what did you think?

Thanks -


06-11-2007, 11:10 AM
i am on cipralez and i never ever take anything i dont even like the thought of it...and let me tell you it was hard to start taking it, i thought i would get the persription filled just to please the doctor, but then i relaized i cant live like this anymore and started taking it last thursday...so far....and i also dont react to medicine well either, but ive only really had lack of appetite, slightly nausous, dry mouth.
cipralex is a cleaner drug as well. its from the celexa family of drugs;) haha you cna tell ive done some reasearch, so it was worth it for me to pay more for it....30 days cost $62, pricey but to me its worth it, let me know what you think and if you are going to start it and ill keep you updated on my side effects or any of that kind of stuff.

06-11-2007, 11:32 AM
Thanks a lot Lyndsay, I appreciate it. Have you been diagnosed with General Anxiety Disorder? I'm going to get a second opinion tomorrow from a different doctor, I only have anxiety at night mostly, then I'm fine...Are you able to tell me why you started taking it? I'd like to see if my symptoms are the same. I appreciate your feedback, you've put my mind at ease for today! Thanks!!

06-11-2007, 12:21 PM
hey no problem, anytime!:) its good to talk about it, no iget anxiety only in the day, yes id like ot say i only get it at night, but i dont, although ims ure that getting it at night isnt any better either...let me know how the second opinion goes and we should keep in touch;) oh and i started taking these meds cause ive been trying ot battle this on my own for quite sometime now and its time to get over this and breath for once...and live a regular life

06-11-2007, 12:35 PM
Sounds good to me. How old are you if you don't mind me asking? I'm turning 25. I've been through lots, but I guess haven't dealt well with a lot...if you know what I mean. How long are you suppose to be on Cipralex? 6-8 mths? Longer?

06-12-2007, 08:56 AM
i am 24:) and i dont mind you asking questions??go for it, and i hope that if i have questions you feel the same way';)i dont know forsure how long my doc wants me on it for exactly....i got a montsh worth right now but it takes a bit apparently about 4 weeks for it o kick in though:(

06-12-2007, 09:01 AM
Not at all, ask away! I am going to see my doc today - see what she says. I will keep you posted. Again, thanks for the support.


06-12-2007, 11:26 AM
well good luck and ill keep that in mind definetly:):)
no problem, now i realize the more support the better:)

06-15-2007, 11:21 AM
Hey Lindsay, are you able to tell me what dosage you are on? I'm currently on 10 mg...

06-18-2007, 08:37 AM
yes i am on 10mg as well. for the first month i know forsure..how are you doing on it?, what did the doc have to say?:)

06-18-2007, 11:32 AM
Not bad, I'm on 5 mg, but am increasing to 10 tomorrow, did you start at 10mg, or did you start at a lower dose? If so, did you feel a difference?

Hope you are well!!

06-18-2007, 06:38 PM
i started on 10mg..how do you feel on 5mg...i was told that you always start on 10mg..do you have any symtoms at all?

06-21-2007, 06:58 AM
Just a bit of nausea, taking a bit of Ativan to help with the symptoms, so far, I think it's going to work though...haven't had much of an appetite...I'm on 10 mg now too. Lets hope for the best. It's my 25th birthday this weekend, and I can't drink!!! Had to cancel a huge party, so that's kind of a bummer. What about you, how are you coping?

06-21-2007, 10:00 AM
are you taking ativan for the symtoms of nausea?
yes the appetite for me isnt quite as good as it could be...hehe i could stand to loose a couple pounds anyways:):) oh HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! we are only a year apart:):)Im not much of a drinker anyways so that part is ok with me, i know i need to quit smoking......in just under 2 weeks i go back to my doctor, i dont know if he'll keep me on the same dose or up it a bit....but let me know how things go with youa nd ill do the same with me
have a great day:)

06-21-2007, 12:11 PM
I'm taking a half a miligram in the morning and at night, just to relax, I need to get off of it...You're fine just with the Cipralex, that's so great. I'm going to try and get off of the Ativan. I quit smoking 4 mths ago, and have recently started smoking b/c of the stress of this anxiety, can you wear the patch with Cipralex? BTW, the patch is the greatest thing in the world, it really really helps you to quit smoking (not that I should talk right now:)

Take care, have a good weekend. Keep me posted.

07-02-2007, 01:25 PM
i am still very nervous though:(
i go to the doc end of this week to let him know how im doing and all that....I dont know if you can wear a patch and take cipralex, i cant see why not but i may look into that as well:) just incase. ..
are you still taking ativan, do you take it just int he morning and night or when you are having an attack?
have a great day

07-03-2007, 06:50 AM
Hi Lindsay, I take a quarter of a miligram in the morning (which I'm trying to ween off of), and a half a miligram at night. My doc reccomended this to me, as it takes the edge off of the side effects of the medications. Ativan is addictive, I've been taking it for about a month now like mentioned above. It really helps me. My dosage of Cipralex has been increased from 10mg to 15, and I'm going to stay at 15mg for a while (another reccomendation from my doc) - apparently the more cipralex you take, the better it works...I really wanted to stay at 10mg, but my doc said that the medication won't have a full effect at that dosage, so I'm now about 3 days in on 15mg with the help of Ativan. I feel ok, better than I did a month ago, that's for sure. How is your stuff going? Thanks for your support btw, it's helped me big time. Let me know what's going on with you!

07-03-2007, 06:52 AM

Is the nervousness caused by the cipralex, do you feel more nervous on cipralex than you did? I know it does take a while to get used to.

01-19-2008, 11:18 AM
hello Kayla!!!

i hope you are still on here!, i would love to talkt o you again!, im sorry i havent replied in so long..so many things have changed in my life...except for well, still having anxiety!
i hope you get this message and we can talk again