View Full Version : Vertigo

02-06-2013, 11:23 AM
I have been diagnosed with peripheral vertigo. It can come anytime I get a viral infection or anytime it wants to come. I also have anxiety and it is bad. Sometimes, I can't sit up because it feels like the vision is closing in and my head feels like it's moving. Anybody else deal with actual vertigo not caused by anxiety? How do you control it? It sucks. This lasts for awhile and it is hard not to be freaking out when your head feels like it's moving and you have to lay down. That sucks.

02-08-2013, 09:24 PM
I get that moving feeling a lot. Seems worse when I get sick. I just try to focus on something until it passes. It comes and goes pretty quickly. It used to really skyrocket my anxiety but now that I have been dealing with it for about a year, it doesn't get to me as bad. It can be kinda scary thought. Hang in there!