View Full Version : Dr. prescribed Atenolol

02-06-2013, 08:50 AM
So I have been having heart palpatations pretty much every day since last Tuesday. It seems like I get them mostly after eating and they last for awhile. I had an already scheduled dr appt last Wed. so I talked to my dr about it. She did an EKG and some blood work and all were normal except the EKG showed Sinus Tachycardia. She thinks it is still my anxiety. Well I sent a message to her on Monday telling her I am still having the palps, so she prescribed Atenolol. After picking up the prescription an reading about it, I do not want to take it! I'm so scared and frustrated!

02-06-2013, 09:15 AM
I have been on Atenolol for like 10 years for my high blood pressure. (100mg tab once/day in the AM). I also have horrible anxiety and the Dr. said the Atenolol is probably helping me keep my heart rate down for panic attacks. My last EKG actually showed me having the opposite of you (Minor Sinus Bradycardia). Atenolol helps keep my heart rate at like 50-57 BPM, which relaxes me because I am like you. I get super anxious about getting heart palps (which I found out recently were not heart palps, just anxiety/nerves) and I'm also always afraid to take new meds.

The Atenolol will help keep your heart rate down and I have had no problems with it (actually literally been a life saver for me). If you have any history of HBP or in your family, this will help with it also, which is never a bad thing. You will be fine.

02-06-2013, 11:33 AM
I was prescribed it to for exact same reasons plus high BP. I already take something for the BP but doc said to add this for anxiety heart Palps pulse and lowering BP more. My BP is only up when anxious but I'm anxious alot. I'm scared to go down this road with beta blockers after reading about them too. So I haven't took them yet

02-06-2013, 12:15 PM
I take it too. But a very small dose. It helps with racing heart but does not help at all for skipped beats:( I like that every time I get up my heart does not race like it use to. The only thing that got rid of my skipped beats was magnesium citrate.

02-06-2013, 12:23 PM
My blood pressure has most always been fine. I am afraid this will make it too low. I also find it strange that these are happening mostly after I eat. For instance, today I was feeling pretty good before lunch and now that I have eaten I am feeling them in my throat and upper chest.

02-06-2013, 12:46 PM
I have read online about these as I have them too. Mostly after I eat. I have heard that gastrointestinal problems can mimic these.

02-11-2013, 01:23 PM
I get bad palpitations too after I eat. I take a low dose of atelenol but I still get the palpitation . I also have gastritis and anxiety. So don't worry about the palpitation . It is normal to have a heart rate below 100. Take at least 3 tums after you eat to settle your stomach