View Full Version : Every Wednesday attack out of nowhere

02-06-2013, 03:36 AM
Grrr why do I keep getting attacks on Wednesday mornings??? For no reason it is a day like any other no big meetings or anything. Could it be from being out at the weekend??

02-06-2013, 07:38 AM
What are your sleeping patterns like?

Your anxiety could be related to being overtired or exhausted?

By Wednesday I am ALWAYS so, so tired. I drink coffee in spite of my anxiety, I am functioning on a total of 10-11 hours of sleep total since the start of the working week on Monday and I never learn my lesson: I stay up super later on the weekends and f@ck up my sleeping pattern. I get maybe 4-5 hours a night on Sunday-Tuesday which leads to heightened anxiety by Wednesday !

Now that I am aware it's a trigger, I'll self monitor a little - maybe skip the coffee, squeeze in a nap when I get home just in case.

Do you sleep ok during the working week?

02-06-2013, 10:04 AM
Thanks laurendisorder. Well that does sound like what I do alright tend to have less sleep at the weekends although I sleep okay during the week. Monday's am usually tired but always feel fine by tuesday. Then bam Wednesday I wake up knowing an attack is coming which of course wreaks me more.

I'm off the coffee but maybe I will try get some naps in at the weekend see if it helps.

You said before you have a stressful job too I just find it so frustrating coz I want to be able to do my job.