View Full Version : Germaphobe

02-05-2013, 09:46 PM
I'm a complete germaphobe. I carry hand sanitizer everywhere. I constantly worry about what my kids touch and do. When I was a kid I would stay outside all day and eat sandwiches and stuff after playing in the creek and handling worms. You name it. I want my kids to be happy and not worry about that kind of stuff but its too scary. I feel like I'm too uptight about it but I also feel like if I don't do it and they get sick then it's my fault.

02-05-2013, 11:11 PM
Oh yes I know that anxiety is all about control. I need to control every situation I'm in so it becomes a safe zone and I won't have to worry. Same goes for every aspect of my life. I take no risks and try to play it safe with everything I do. The main reason is because I know the outcome if I play it safe. Anxiety is all about the " what ifs " or what might happen. It's like being in a scary movie and wondering what will happen next. Most people would welcome the tension that the suspense brings. Myself and other anxiety/ panicky people fear the unknown.

02-06-2013, 08:11 AM
Wow, I am EXACTLY the same way. My kids do not go a lot of places, especially during the winter months because of all the colds, flu viruses, norovirus, etc...all swirling around. I am constantly wiping their hands with hand wipes, I carry hand wipes in my purse, car, etc, along with hand sanitizer. When we have gone out and come back home, the kids know that after taking off their coats, shoes, they must directly go and wash their hands. I am a complete germaphob...........

02-06-2013, 11:29 AM
Exactly the same. Washing hands is known as soon as they get home. Also we have been avoiding public places since the flu is so widespread right now.

02-06-2013, 12:17 PM
Exactly the same. Washing hands is known as soon as they get home. Also we have been avoiding public places since the flu is so widespread right now.

We have been doing the same thing also. It's caused arguments with my husband, because he wants to go out on the weekends with the kids and I , but I always put my foot down and say no because I am scared the kids will get sick with the flu. It always seems like the kids get sick, then I get sick, then my husband still continues with his normal schedule, while I am sick and struggling to take care of the sick kiddos, so for that reason, I told him we need to limit the outdoor activites until this flu epidemic dies down a bit. I have been monitoring the weekly reports on the cdc website, looks like we have seen the worst of it. My state has been downgraded from epidemic status, to local, so I am relieved about that...however, the stomach flu has started circulating around this area now. Ugh.

02-06-2013, 12:48 PM
Lol u sound just like me. Although my therapist has agreed being smart is no harm

02-07-2013, 07:22 PM
Hi. I'm thinking that some of the germaphope stuff is a manifestation of anxiety and that some is just common sense. I've had to work on this a bit and have done pretty well. It's perfectly reasonable for you all to wash your hands when you get home. This is simply a healthy habit and not the least bit neurotic. And clean hands feel nice so making it a comfort thing for the kids and not anything to do with germs, illness, etc, is a good idea. Kids are going to get viruses so making yourself and them afraid is just not worth it. Remember that any viral illness they get as kids they will never get again because good antibodies are created in their immune systems that will recognize and wipe out the same and similar viruses for all of their lives. Of course that doesn't make the scene of sick kids and sick, exhausted Mom any prettier. I get that. And of course if your kids get sick, they just get sick and it's nobody's fault. Viruses happen, always have, always will. The kids do fine and if they don't feel well you can turn that into some very sweet moments for them.....kids really remember the gentle loving nurturing care you give them when they are sick. Treats, comfort, loving but not frantic concern and no blame at all. Your kids don't need you apologizing or agonizing that they got sick. That makes them feel guilty and responsible for causing you distress and they feel that they've done something wrong and that is not good for them at all. Nobody has done anything wrong. Just try to keep it reasonable and in perspective. You'll feel SO much less stressed. I promise.