View Full Version : How's everyone?

06-10-2007, 03:40 AM
I've not been here in a while sometimes life and work just take over. I've not been I'll in quite sometime, except for anxiety symptoms when going to london to record a radio show. Admittedly I am still on a low dosage of Tricyclic AntiDepressants. But otherwise life is O.K. Me and the wife are even thinking of having another kid. Anyway this site was a crutch for me during my long recovery, and since I drifted away I just thought I'd see how everyone is, I hope you are all coping with lifes trials alright.

Thursday night I missed a dose of my tablets without realising and Friday at about four a clock I suddenly couldn't see properly, I had blindspots, Blurred vision, ZigZagging lines the whole show I thought I'd burst a blood vessel as an anxiety sufferer would but it turned out to be my first ever migraine, nice! I didn't realise till 1am the next morning I had miised a dose and I stopped worrying after that. Turns out my anxiety meds are used to treat people with frequent migrianes. Anyone else get these scary huh?

See ya soon

Duncan :D

V for Victor
06-12-2007, 09:00 AM
Jitters! You've been away too long!

Sorry to hear about your scary experience!

I do hope to see you hanging around more.

Don't be a stranger! :D