View Full Version : Breathing obsessing..

Tess E McCann
02-05-2013, 03:33 PM
Hi everyone.

At the moment i am really struggling with anxiety and panic attacks, i am scared and angry. It started a couple of years ago, three months after my mum's death. I started getting a tight chest and generalized anxiety and attacks. After about a month it disappeared. Two months later it showed its ugly head again in the form of not being able to be in busy warm areas. I struggled with this for a further three months. I controlled it for a long time after that, it was still in the back of my head but i managed to not let it spin out of control until a couple of weeks ago. Now i am obsessing with my breathing. I constantly check my heart beat. I feel like i have adrenaline soaring through my body all the time. I keep thinking im going to stop breathing or my hearts going to stop and i'm going to have a heart attack. I am always twitching or fidgeting. I am now having trouble sleeping and im even dreaming about it and waking up gasping for breath. I dont know what to do anymore, im bored of not being able to do things or go places just incase i panic. Any suggestions on how to control it??


02-05-2013, 03:46 PM
I'm the same , no idea how to control it I try to tell myself I'm ok but the physical symptoms make it so hard I do fidget a lot too sometimes my body just feels so weird as if I'm dying and it's giving in x

02-05-2013, 05:27 PM
I have been going through the exact same thing. I have asthma, which makes me even more paranoid about my breathing. I've had my oxygen levels checked multiple times and they're always fine. It's a scary feeling tho.

02-05-2013, 05:36 PM
Hi everyone.

At the moment i am really struggling with anxiety and panic attacks, i am scared and angry. It started a couple of years ago, three months after my mum's death. I started getting a tight chest and generalized anxiety and attacks. After about a month it disappeared. Two months later it showed its ugly head again in the form of not being able to be in busy warm areas. I struggled with this for a further three months. I controlled it for a long time after that, it was still in the back of my head but i managed to not let it spin out of control until a couple of weeks ago. Now i am obsessing with my breathing. I constantly check my heart beat. I feel like i have adrenaline soaring through my body all the time. I keep thinking im going to stop breathing or my hearts going to stop and i'm going to have a heart attack. I am always twitching or fidgeting. I am now having trouble sleeping and im even dreaming about it and waking up gasping for breath. I dont know what to do anymore, im bored of not being able to do things or go places just incase i panic. Any suggestions on how to control it??


Crazy exercise

02-05-2013, 05:48 PM
Going on 12 years now with anxiety and panic attacks. Worse at times than others. I have successfully been able to shut down what I call " mild panic attacks " which are the ones with no real trigger. Bigger ones like when I go to the doctor I haven't been able to control. I either shut them down right when I get the first panicky thought or feeling by telling them " no ". It's not a reason to panic so don't. Or if they have already started I just tell myself that this is the worst thing that's going to happen and not to fear I've been here before and been fine. After shutting down any additional fear they start to subside. Pulse come back down and that " adrenaline gut " goes away. Anyway that has worked for me about 80% of the time. I get mad at them or just tell them to give me all they got because I can handle it. Find your own way to cope and don't depend on meds every single time. And remember what's the worst thing that actually happened when you had one?

02-06-2013, 04:20 AM
I have the same exact behavior, tight chest, constantly obsessing on breathing and pulse. Where you have adrenaline keeping you up, all I want to do is sleep. I think I am so anxious and keyed up all the time that by the time I sit down in the evening to relax I have worn myself out.
The only thing that helps in klonopin and I used to try not to take it because it is addicting. Now I just take it and don't care, at least I can relax for most of the day with just .5 mg.

02-06-2013, 09:54 AM
I am going through something similarities where I feel like I'm being smothered and I need to constantly get a full breath. But I can't. I feel like just under my esophagus there is a tight band around my stomach and no matter what I can't get that feeling to go away. I keep thinking i have emphysema. I have had this before. I keep telling myself this but now I'm on week two and I'm still freaking out about it. I'm a smoker so of course I panic right? My body just never leaves me alone. Topped with the heart anxiety and I'm miserable