View Full Version : Not "Afraid" of Being In Public, but Hyper-Observant and Irritated

02-05-2013, 01:33 PM
I've struggled with anxiety problems for the better part of the last decade, but now it seems like my anxiety is beginning to manifest in a different way. When I'm out in public (restaurant, mall, whatever), I've started to become hyper-focused on what other people are saying and doing. This usually causes me to feel extreme irritation and annoyance. For example, I was out to eat with my significant other last weekend, and the gentleman sitting at the table behind us kept asking 100 questions about the fish entree to the waitress. Is it wild salmon or farm-raised? It's not sockeye, is it? Well, it has to be well done- can they cook it that way? It doesn't have garlic, right? I don't want it if there's garlic on it. This went on for several minutes, and I started feeling my anxiety increasing. Eventually, I became fixated on the conversation and felt like I wanted to jump out and shout, "JUST ORDER ALREADY!" This happens very frequently, and anything can set me off. Children misbehaving, people doing/saying ignorant things, people dressed a certain way. I will admit, I am a pretty judgemental person by nature. It bothers me more than most people when I see someone doing something rude or socially unacceptable. But my reactions are started to become borderline irrational. This hyper-observant behavior prevents me from being able to focus on what I'm doing or the person I'm with. A huge trigger is the bus- I dread sitting next to certain people because their behaviors (coughing, throat-clearing, body movements) bother me. I have even resorted to changing bus routes to avoid some of the people who really set me off. In larger crowds, it's even worse. My heart races, I start sweating, and my mood changes on a dime. I prefer staying home and not venturing out to public places, although my friends and significant other would prefer that I break out of my shell more. I wouldn't say I'm necessarily "afraid" of being in public, but I have such agitation for other people that I have a hard time dealing.

Anyone have any insight into what type of anxiety/OCD this is? How can I get back to normal?

02-06-2013, 04:19 PM
Well, on the bright side, it sounds like you'd make a good novelist or playwright. They're always trying to figure out the way people speak and listen in to natural conversations. I can imagine it would be freaking annoying though. Maybe you've just run into some truly annoying people in the last few weeks?

02-06-2013, 10:46 PM
Hi, I know exactly how you are feeling! I've been suffering from panic attacks and social phobia for nearly 25yrs now and over the years my anxiety has changed also. I don't leave the house very much anymore but when I do I also get very angry with ppl and sometimes I lash out and it's very scary because I've never been an angry person quite the opposite really!! I seem to snap at the slightest thing and its horrible feeling like this... Anyway your not alone and hopefully you can also get some help to.... Take care. Beverley. :-)